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But in a potential date kind of way. Well, apart from the whole Fae Realm, stolen from my home and life, nonsense.

Okay, so maybe not a date.

Just stop thinking, I told myself, exhausted. See what he wants to do.

What could it hurt?

Nibbling my lip, I extended my arm, laying my hand palm up in the flower bed. His smile reached his gorgeous eyes as he shifted a little closer to link his fingers over mine. More of that electric energy sizzled up my arm, shocking my system and sending a bolt of heat directly to my lower abdomen.

Okay, he’s not kidding about the mutual attraction thing. Because wow.

A totally inappropriate and inexplicable reaction.

Just like I had to that guy at the bar.

My gaze darted across the clearing to the leather-clad bad boy, the one Titus had called Exos. He observed us with no expression, his arms crossed as he leaned against a tree along the edge of the field. Another boy stood beside him, his gaze wide with curiosity.

“Why are they watching us?” I asked, my insides tingling with nerves.

“They’re watching you,” Titus whispered, his fingers lightly tracing mine. “Your power is a marvel, Claire. It’s considered a miracle that Spirit Fae—like Exos—can access two elements.”

“Okay.” I swallowed, refocusing on his alluring features. “I have fire and air?” A guess because I couldn’t remember everything Exos had told me, our time together an emotionally laden blur of moments.

“No.” Titus drew a line of fire across my skin, the heat causing me to flinch and gape at the same time.

“That… It doesn’t hurt.”

He chuckled. “Because your fire responds to mine.”

“But you just said I don’t have Fire.”

“Oh, you have Fire.” His irises lifted to mine. “An incredible amount of it, too.” He shifted even closer, leaving maybe a foot between our prone forms. He continued his path up my arm, the flame dancing upward, heating me in the most amazing way.

“I like that,” I admitted.

“I know.” He smiled, continuing his touch over my clothed shoulder to my neck, branding my pulse. “Do you feel the connection between us, Claire? The way my fire flirts with yours? Taunting it to the surface? Warming the air around us?”

I swallowed, my lungs feeling a bit tight. “Y-yes.”

“That’s your power.” His voice dropped to a husky tone that caused my heart to skip a beat.

“What about Air?” I asked.

“Hmm, I’m not an Air Fae.” He slid an ember across my jaw and upward into my hairline where he pulled the flower from behind my ear—the flower Exos had put there. “I’m not a Spirit Fae, either.” He brought the petals to his nose and inhaled. “But you’re both.”

“That’s three elements.”

“Yes,” he agreed. “You asked why they’re staring at you?”

I nodded, my heart thudding roughly in my chest.

“It’s because you don’t have access to just two elements, Claire.” He palmed my cheek, his gaze kind. “You have access to all five.”

My eyebrows shot upward. “All five?”

His lips twitched. “Trust me, I’m just as shocked as you are, but I can feel it in your essence. You manipulated this field, bringing all these flowers to life to provide you with a bed to rest upon. The air sings your name. My fire is drawn to your fire, just as Exos’s spirit is drawn to your spirit, and I can feel the layer of humidity—water—softening your skin. You’re very special, indeed.”

“But why?”

Tags: Lexi C. Foss Elemental Fae Academy Fantasy