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“Good girl.” He kisses me and nothing else matters.

“What are we doing, Darren,” I ask, almost afraid of the answer.

“What do you mean?”

“Us. You and me. What is this?”

“I guess I didn’t make myself clear, Jenna. You are mine. You are going to be my wife and the mother of my children.”

“Oh,” I say, because what do you say when a man makes a declaration like that?

“I love you,” he says, touching my cheek softly.

“You’ve never said that,” I whisper.

“Fuck that, surely I have.” He looks confused.

“No. I’d remember. It’s the first time anyone has said that to me.”

“Aww, babe. I love you,” he repeats, kissing me.

“I love you too, Darren.”

“I know. You wouldn’t have given yourself to me if you didn’t.”

“No, I wouldn’t have.”

“When we get home, I want you to move in with me,” he says. “Your house is cold.”

“How do you know that?” I ask. It’s my turn to be confused. My parents put on a good show for the world. It’s not common knowledge that they hate each other. Anyone who knows has signed an NDA, even Evie and me.

“I’m not ashamed to admit I’ve watched you for years, Jenna. I should have told you before, but I wasn’t sure how you’d react.”

“You’re my stalker?” It dawns on me that that’s why I’ve seen him before. He’s been everywhere without being anywhere.

“I don’t call it that, but yeah.”

“Oh, thank God. The flowers were a nice touch,” I admit. He just grins at me. God, he’s hot and that accent still makes me a bit weak in the knees.

To be fair, I wouldn’t condone this kind of behavior from anyone but him, because I love him. Love makes you do crazy things.

“Let me show you where I grew up,” he says.

“You want to take me Scotland?”

“I want to take you everywhere, but we’ll start with Scotland.”

“Okay. Let’s go to Scotland.”

A train-ride later, we are in the village where he grew up. It’s cute, like one you see in a cop show on BBC, but I can tell he doesn’t think of this place as home.

Before we head home, we see London, Paris, and Venice. All the places I’ve wanted to go, but never had the time.

At home, we go directly from the airport to his place where we break in his bed. His house is less than two miles from my parents. He said he liked being close to me.

“I wish you had said something back when we were kids,” I tell him after two, maybe three orgasms. I’m lying in his arms as he strokes my back.

“How would that have gone?” he asks, his accent thicker now that he’s sleepy.

“Not exactly like this, but soon enough,” I say.

“I think it was better this way. I felt like I had to earn you.”

“You’ve earned me, Darren. More than. Maybe I haven’t earned you.”

“No babe. It doesn’t work that.”

“Shouldn’t it?”

“No. This is how it’s meant to be. I’ve always known that.”

“I love you,” I tell him before I drift off to sleep.

Sometime later, I wake up. It’s dark out and Darren is softly snoring. I walk out into the kitchen and open the fridge. Water, beer, and rotten fruit. I have got to go to the store. I grab a water and twist the cap off, taking a long pull of it.

“You’re up,” he says, making me jump.

“I couldn’t sleep. I’m hungry.”

“I could whip something up for you,” he says.

“I looked. You don’t have anything.”

“Get dressed. There’s a dinner down the street.”

I smile at him and go get dressed. We walk down the street and into the dinner.

We wait the hostess stand to be seated. Just our luck, the hostess is young and recognizes both of us immediately.

“Welcome to Don’s. Booth or table? Oh my God. Darren Sinjin and Jenna Dexter?”

“Yes.” I look at her name tag. “Bianca. We would like a booth please.”

“Sure, right this way. I am like a big fan of both of you guys. Can I get an autograph? Please.”

“Of course, Bianca. What would you like us to sign?” Darren asks her.

“Um, a napkin, I guess.”

“Sure, we will drop it off on our way out,” I reply quickly. I am so freaking hungry, I just want to order, but it doesn’t help to be rude with fans. Ever.

“Thanks guys. Here are your menus. Rita will be your server.” Rita is older and she makes her way over to us. She either doesn’t recognize us or if she did she doesn’t like to make a fuss. Being so near the studios, I imagine this place see a lots of celebs.

“What can I get you all to drink?” She sounds like she smokes a pack of cigarettes an hour.

“I will have coffee and Dr. Pepper,” I tell her.

“I’ll have coffee and orange juice.” Darren looks at me like I’m insane.

Tags: M.K. Moore Romance