Page 36 of Hybrid Aria

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“And it doesn’t concern you, David and I will organise things later around Lily’s school schedule.” Reid growled at my response and my tone of voice.I knew I sounded bitchy, but what did he expect after the way he just treated me.

“When it’s about you and Lily, it does concern me Aria.You are mine, now lose the attitude and tell me what is going on,”

“Really, lose the attitude?I’m sorry if I won’t bow down to you.Until you start treating me like your equal, the attitude stays.” I retorted.

Reid reached over and gripped my arm.I see Zane glance nervously in the mirror before his eyes went back to the road.Through the bond, I could feel that he was a ticking time bomb, his rage just swirling inside him looking for an escape even Ryder was angry.Pissed off he didn’t get the challenge from Alpha David like he hoped he would.Both of them were annoyed, feeling like I was challenging them.

I wasn’t, but I also wasn’t going to put up with their anger issues.Not wanting to be suffocated by his testosterone-fuelled rage at me, challenging him, I gripped the door handle and shoved the door open.

Ripping my arm out of Reid’s grip, I jumped from the moving vehicle, Zane instantly hitting the brakes.My body collided with the rough gravel; I could feel my flesh being ripped away as I rolled along the road.The car behind us screeching to a stop about a metre off me.My clothes were torn, and I had cuts and scrapes covering every bit of exposed flesh, including my face.I was too angry to notice.I just wanted away from him, away from both of them.

Pushing up off the ground onto my hands and knees, I groaned.Maybe that wasn’t the smartest idea I had thought of.Standing up, I dusted myself off pulling small rocks out that were embedded in my hands, I turned and started walking towards the forest that led to the Pack house.I could hear people’s rushed voices calling after me before the car that nearly hit me left, driving towards the Pack house.

Reid screamed at me, demanding I come back to the car, but I was not in the mood to deal with him.I ignored him and kept walking.Next thing I know I am being knocked down onto the grass from behind as Reid barrelled into me.Hitting the grass with an oomph as the air was knocked out of me.Reid rolled me over onto my back; I just stared, dazed.

“Where do you think you’re going little one?”

“Where do you think I’m going… Home.Now get off me.”

Reid glared down at me, challenging me.I glared back at him, not submitting.When he realised I wasn’t going to back down he growled warningly at me, but I just growled back.How dare he challenge me.We are meant to be mates, equals.I don’t own him just as he doesn’t own me.I won’t submit to him or anybody.I’m not going to be his little bitch that he can treat like garbage then think I will forgive his brutish behaviour.

When I growled back, Ryder’s eyes peered back at me.Ryder may love me, but Alpha’s don’t like to be challenged even by their Luna.Most Luna’s are submissive to their mates.I’m not a normal wolf, I’m Lycan and not going to back down to him whether he is my mate or not.Ryder seemed to realise that I could tell Reid was fighting for control, his eyes flickering between him and his beast.I shoved him to the side and went to get up when hands gripped my shoulder’s pulling me back down.

Ryder pulled me, so my back was pressed against his chest, his arms holding my arms at my side, I felt him move my hair over my shoulder, exposing my neck to him.

Suddenly feeling teeth bite down harshly on my neck, trying to get me to submit, I struggle against him when I feel his canines bite through my flesh harder pinning me in place.Ryder growled menacingly at me, but I refused to submit.When I felt him bite deeper, I could feel the blood start to run down my neck and arm, any harder he could rip my arm off.

His growling got louder, trying to force me to give in.Instead, I pivot, his teeth ripping harshly out of my shoulder and neck.Gripping him I bite him back, I sink my teeth into his neck, but the blood loss from his bite starts to make me woozy as I feel myself getting sleepy, I drop to my side my body feeling like it’s being weighed down.

Why didn’t I just let Ryder win?I knew better than to challenge a wolf.Reid is one thing, Ryder is completely different.The wolf side loves the chase and loves a challenge, but one thing they won’t do is show weakness, especially in front of their mate.So, me challenging Reid brought Ryder forward.

I feel my body being lifted, and my head hits Reid’s shoulder as I fight to stay conscious.I can feel movement before I am placed on his lap.Hearing the car door close I know I’m back in the car on Reid’s lap.I could hear Zane speaking.

“Luna alright, Alpha?”

“Yeah, she just bit off more than she can chew with Ryder, she just needs blood,”

I feel the engine start and the car move.When I give into exhaustion.

I’m nice and warm.My skin feels like it’s vibrating, tingles are spreading down my sides where Reid’s hand is drawing patterns in my skin.I leave my eyes closed, enjoying the sensations and my heightened senses.I breathe in his intoxicating scent.His masculine smell making my mouth water.I can tell we are laying on our sides, my face resting on his arm, his breath fanning my face.Wriggling closer Reid tucks my head under his chin, pulling me tighter to his chest.

I growl low, almost a purr at our closeness, I have an overwhelming need to taste him, running my nose along his chest, I lift my head and start licking and sucking his neck softly.He moves onto his back, pulling me with him, so I’m lying on his chest.I breathe in his scent, which is teasing me, making me thirstier.My eyes still closed; I run my nose along his collarbone, breathing him in.Reid pulls me up higher, so we are face to face.I open my eyes to see Reid’s soft gaze staring at me.I lean in and kiss his lips softly, his fingers softly drawing circles on my lower back.

Dropping my head back on his chest, I listen to his heartbeat thump in his chest, my own heart falling in sync with his.

Chapter 25

Aria’s POV

“I shouldn’t have letRyder have control.” Reid’s husky voice broke the silence.My hand instinctively went to my neck, remembering the feel of his anger as he bit into my soft skin.My neck was smooth, having already healed.Lifting my head up, I stared at Reid’s face.He was fully in control now his gaze soft, but I could feel his worry seeping into me through the mate bond.I could feel his guilt thick and strong.Reid’s silver eyes searching mine waiting for me to say something.

Leaning over, I kissed his lips softly before getting up.I climbed off the bed and walked into the bathroom, I wanted to shower so I could go see Lily and tell her about my meeting with her father.When I opened the bathroom door Reid sat up, he must have felt my intentions through the bond.

“Lily is asleep.I wouldn’t wake her; she has her first day of school tomorrow.”

“What do you mean?What time is it?” I asked, confused.I didn’t feel like I was out that long.It was the middle of the night when we left David’s, I feel like I only had a short nap.

“It’s 2:00 AM Aria, you have been out for three days now.” His voice got lower as he looked down at the bed.Three days I have been out, Ryder knocked me out for three days.No wonder he feels so bloody guilty.

Tags: Jessica Hall Erotic