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I study Melody from under my eyes as she chatters on about her day’s activities, oblivious to the churning storm of confusion brimming inside of me.

Maybe it’s because I’m wearing a placid smile while nodding at appropriate times.

I push a forkful of salad into my mouth, swallowing the food along with the dejected sigh that rises in my throat.

The moment that June mentioned is finally here, the moment where I have to decide whether to face reality or continue living a dream.

My vacation is finally over.

Like June said, it’s not fair to ask Melody to leave everything she is familiar with and come with me to London. And I also can’t...

“What’s wrong?” Melody asks, her soft voice breaking into my thoughts. I raise my eyes to her, and she’s frowning at me with concern. “Is it the food? Do you not like the taste? You’ve been pushing your food around on your plate for a while now.”

I sigh softly and clear my throat.

“I have to be in London by the end of the week.”

Her expression falls, and my heart sinks heavily in my chest. It breaks my heart even further when she smiles at me despite the tears in her beautiful blue eyes.

“Really?” Melody says and clears her throat. “I guess you have to get back to work.”

“Yeah,” I mumble. For the first time in my life, I’m not thrilled about the prospect of work. “I have an important art exhibition and have to be there. Would you like to come with me? thinking of extending an invitation to Brenda.”

I don’t know why I felt the need to add the last bit.

Maybe a sort of an enticement to get her to accept my invitation.

It goes a long way to show how unconfident I am in my persuasive abilities. But all of my worries instantly melt away when Melody’s eyes brighten up, and her smile widens genuinely.

“Wow, really? I’d love to!” she says. “Brenda will be so excited.”

“You think so?” I ask uncertainly.

Melody laughs and the sound echoes in my head like a thousand tinkling bells on a summer afternoon, beautiful and warm.

“I know so,” she replies confidently.

I’m just glad I’ll have my woman beside me. That’s more than enough for me.

Tags: Flora Ferrari Romance