Page 4 of His to Seduce

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Acheronwas right.

It's my first thought when I see her enter the cafe for the second consecutive day, and my cock is already hard and swollen like a motherfucking monster by the time her wide-eyed gaze collides with mine.

Countless women have tried to play the blushing card in my presence. Some of them were genuinely shy, but most of them were simply playing coy. A good many others have attempted to seduce me from the get go, and there have been more than a few who tried sneaking into my hotel room naked...and their legs already wide open for my dick.

Women have tried everything under the sun to get me in their bed, and I thought I knew all there was to know about them. The female sex is supposed to be the greatest mystery on earth, but all they are to me these days is a way to relieve my boredom.

They're good for a few hard fucks, but it's always only a matter of time before I lose interest of them.

That's how it's always been...until her.

She's the only one to affect me the way she does, the only girl I couldn't stop thinking of even when I have yet to feel her skin or taste her lips.

And I'm not used to this, dammit.

The strength of my desire for her doesn't make any damn sense, but here I am, in deep fucking trouble with a huge boner to match, and all because I saw the way her heart-shaped face glowed upon

Everything about her is the exact opposite of what I normally look for. She's too damn young for one, and I've never been the type to get a kick out of robbing the cradle.

The women I fuck also tend to be ravishingly beautiful and voluptuous, and this girl is anything but. She's more innocent and cute than hot and fuckable, and thanks to yesterday's weather, I also know she possesses the daintiest pair of tits I've ever seen in my thirty-years-plus of existence.

Her long blond hair and amber-colored eyes are nice enough, but it's nothing out of the ordinary. Everything about her is nice, just all tiny, sweet, and nice...and while it might seem like I'm damning her with faint praise, it's actually the opposite.

It's her air of niceness that captured my interest from the very beginning, her overall sweetness that irresistibly draws me in.

The first time our eyes met, she nearly had me catching my breath like some boy from middle school who's seen his first pussy in real life. All she did that time was look at me like I'm her whole fucking world, just fucking look at me like I'm her dream come to life, and God help me, but I actually found myself wanting it to be true.

I just want her, dammit.

She turns me on like no other woman has, and it's all because of how she looks at me. I want her even though I'm good as engaged, and I want her to the point that reason has ceased to matter.

If she wants me to be her world, then so be it. If she wants me to be her dream come to life, then that's what I'm going to be. There's just something about her that tempts me to break all the rules and start playing with fire...which is exactly what I'm doing now.

Fucking playing with fire...regardless of the consequences.

Thoughts of her have kept me up all night, and even though I told myself this morning that I was only coming back to the cafe to visit my friend—-

That same friend told me point blank I was lying to myself.

You're here because she's gotten under your skin.

And it's true.

But she's not the kind of girl you can fool around with.

Those were Acheron's words as well, and I know it's his subtle way of asking me to put an end to this madness before someone gets hurt.

Before she gets hurt.

And he's right, of course.

Because this is madness.

Just plain fucking madness to want a girl when I already gave my word to marry someone else.

So put a fucking end to this, you bastard!

Tags: Marian Tee Erotic