Page 21 of His to Seduce

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It's my turn to walk away, and I don't let myself look back. When it's over, it's really over, and I learned that from Mr. Mine himself.

When I return to my date, I see right away that the table behind Brian is empty, and my heart sinks at the sight.

Stupid, stupid heart.

Didn't we just have a talk about this?

We're better off without him.


"They left a while ago."

Brian's words startle me into looking at him again, and the wry expression on his good-looking face makes me cringe.

"I'm so sorry." What else is there to say?

"If you really like him—-"

I quickly shake my head. "I don't—-"

"You can always make him jealous by spending more time with me."

I forget what I have to say when his motive becomes clear, and I end up laughing despite everything.

Bryan winces. "Ouch. Am I that inferior to him?"

"You know I don't mean it that way—-"

"Then it's a date," he says with a grin.

Did I just get guilt-tripped into a date?


"It's just one date," he cajoles. "And it's for a good cause, too."

It's my first time to hear making another man jealous described in such a way, and I find myself smiling helplessly despite everything.

"If you go out with me again, your grandfather will lie low on the matchmaking."

He makes a pretty good point, but is it really alright for us to go on another date when we both know I like someone else?

"We'll have fun, I swear."

I take a deep breath and finally relent. "Just one date then."

Brian grins and clenches his fist in a gesture of victory. "Yes!"

His reaction is flattering, but just when I'm starting to think there's a chance for me to like him a little more, Brian's phone starts ringing and I see the name 'Jennifer' flash on his screen just before my date quickly shoves his phone deep into his pocket.

Brian clears his throat. "I wish I can spend more time with you, but I have to meet up with my study group..."

"Oh, sure." I smile at him reassuringly. "Please don't let me keep you."

Relief flashes over his face, and I feel more amused than offended as I cheerfully wave him off. With #6 being another epic fail, I think it's time to tell Grandpa Paco that these boys from Paradijs just aren't for me.

Tags: Marian Tee Erotic