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“Thank you. I usually claim him.” Rachel smiled, but then she turned to Allison with a questioning look, as if Allison should gush about how she was happy Birch was here or it was such a pleasure to meet him. How could she spend who knew how long alone with him? She was attracted to him, and ticked at him. “Ally?” Rachel prompted.

“Excuse us for a moment,” Allison said to Birch and the police officers who were all watching the interaction. She grabbed Rachel’s hand and tugged her away as Birch turned to greet the police officers, obviously not perturbed by her lack of enthusiasm. Luckily, Abe followed Rachel and Allison. When they were far enough away in the semi-dark that they might not be overheard she hissed, “I can’t have that man protect me.”

“Why not?” Abe folded his arms across his broad chest. “He’s perfect for the job: available, well-qualified, and Isaac trusts him.”

Allison bit at her cheek. “Did he also tell you he loathes all actresses?”

“Loathes them?” Abe asked as if she were a teenager exaggerating the truth. “He told me he said some things about actresses that he shouldn’t have, but he’s a reasonable, good guy, he’s not going to be hating an entire group of people like that.”

Allison knew Abe was wrong but she didn’t know how to convince him that Birch was not the right superhero to protect her. She snuck a glance back at him. He’d been speaking to Detective Jones but he must’ve had sixth sense or something because he immediately turned his gaze to her and gave her a concerned, yet somehow appealing look with his dark, dark eyes. She flipped back around. She could not be in the same house as that man. What if Abe wasn’t even planning on a house? Stuck in an apartment with Birch Miller? No. Wasn’t happening. She’d go insane or she’d slit his throat while he slept. She smiled to herself, she’d never been the violent type and she knew she’d never be able to sneak up on Mr. Military Tough Guy.

“Look.” Abe held out his hands. “You need to trust him, let him protect you. He’s willing and capable. Also you’ll be at the Jewel’s Jackson Hole house they just rebuilt last spring. The security up there is insane and the house is huge and beautiful. You can stay on one side of the house and he’ll stay on the other. Rachel and I can stay for at least a few days and hopefully the stalker will be caught before too long.”

Allison loved the large and fun Jewel family. She wouldn’t mind spending time with Rachel and Abe at their Jackson Hole house. It was beautiful and huge just like Abe had said. They’d gone to visit last summer and even with over a dozen people in the house they hadn’t felt crowded. She could hide from Birch after Rachel and Abe had to leave.

“Can I explore the trails behind the house?” she asked.

Abe studied her. “Birch would have to come with you if you do that.”

Allison pushed out a breath. “So you’re saying he’s our only option?”

“He’s ourbestoption,” Abe contradicted. “I could hire other security but he’s more than qualified, and he has the time right now with almost sixty days of leave he needs to use.”

“Sixty days?” Allison’s eyes widened. “You think I’m going to be in hiding for sixty days?”

“No.” Abe shook his head. “No, I’m sure it’ll be resolved in a few weeks, but I’m just saying he has the time. And the most important thing is, he has a personal interest in you that other security men might not have.”

“Personal interest?” Allison’s heart thumped faster as she snuck another look at Birch and caught him looking her way. “What personal interest?” Her voice cracked. Maybe he didn’t hate her. Maybe he’d felt the connection they had before he insulted her or when he hugged her after she was attacked.

Abe eyed her curiously and pointed at his wife. “The Jewel family. He and Isaac are close.”

“Oh.” Allison’s cheeks heated up.

Rachel watched her knowingly and pumped her eyebrows. “I think it’s more than that. I noticed the way he looks at you.”

Abe whirled on his wife. “Birch is a professional and wouldn’t act on his attraction to Allison no matter how beautiful she is.”

Allison could hardly catch a breath. They thought he was attracted to her?

“Calm down, my love, just calm down.” Rachel went onto tiptoes and kissed him then reached up and massaged his shoulders for a few seconds. “That’s right, deep breaths … better?”

Abe shook his head at her antics but smiled. “Stop being so irresistible.”

She shrugged and winked. “It’s what I do.”

He bent down and gave her a lingering kiss.

“I’m right here,” Allison said.

Rachel grinned at her then turned back to her husband. “And stop thinking that Ally is a twelve year old in pigtails. She’s a gorgeous, full-grown, smart, and capable woman. If Birch falls for her he’d dang well better act on his attraction.”

Abe let out a low growl and Allison shook her head. “Okay, please stop that. Let’s go.”

“So you’re okay with Birch protecting you?” Abe asked.

“I thought you said I didn’t have a choice.” She folded her arms across her chest.

“You have a choice, it’s your life. I just said he’s our best option.”

Tags: Cami Checketts Jewel Family Billionaire Romance