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Breeze couldn’t swallow down the sudden thickness in her throat. Ridge would stop using like she’d begged every day since he started messing around with alcohol and pot at sixteen? He’d stay clean? Seth would hire him? Her little brother was going to take responsibility for the debt they owed Seth? She’d always had to step up and take care of everything.

“Th-that’s amazing, Ridge,” she got out in a choked-up voice. “I’m so proud of you. And he’d be lucky to have you.”

Ridge grinned shyly and ducked his head, looking like the little boy she’d raised. Even through all the crap he’d put her through the past few years, she still loved him so much it hurt.

“Thanks, sis. I’m going to find Caleb.” He hurried out the doors.

Breeze turned to Seth. “Thank you. I can’t tell you what this means … thank you.” She felt so relieved. Ridge would be clean, productive, and around great people. The obstacle of her owing Seth would be lifted if Ridge could work it off and her self-respect felt like it’d been restored. The only thing that hurt was Ridge would go and be with Seth and she’d be left alone.

Seth simply nodded. “He’s good with a wrench.”

She half-laughed. “He was born to tinker on motors that’s for sure.”

“Come on you two, we’re waiting on you to pray,” Rachel called through the open doors. “Pais wants her happy meal.”

“It’s not a happy meal, it’s a kid’s meal,” Paisley sassed her.

“Oh,excuseme,” Rachel shot back.

Seth laughed and put his hand on Breeze’s lower back. She let him escort her outside and to his family dinner. It felt right being here, but soon she’d be back home, waitressing every night and working on her degree during the day. With no Ridge. With no Seth. She wasn’t ready for that ugly reality to sneak in.

Tags: Cami Checketts Jewel Family Billionaire Romance