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“Breeze?” Seth’s deep voice came from the doorway as he nudged the door a little wider. “Is it okay if I come … is that my shirt?”

Breeze whipped the shirt behind her back. “Of course. Come in. Is Ridge okay?”

He walked in, a smile playing around his lips. He’d caught her holding, maybe even sniffing his shirt. “Yeah, he’s doing great. We showed him where his room was, but instead of wanting to shower he asked if he could do maintenance on all our machines first.” He grinned. “He and Caleb are elbow-deep in it already.”

“Sounds like Ridge. I’ll force him to shower before he sits at your momma’s table or anything.”

He stepped closer and Breeze was acutely aware of how handsome he was, how tough he was, how blue his eyes were, and especially how great he smelled, which made the shirt she was trying to hide behind her back even more embarrassing. “My mom won’t care if he doesn’t. She raised five boys.”

“I’ll care.” She tilted her chin up. Her pride was the only thing she had left. Oh, wait, she’d dumped that when she’d let him not only fight for her freedom but pay her debt. And now she was living on his family’s good graces. It was hard to swallow, but she wanted to be close to Seth enough to bury her pride. Someday soon, she’d pay him back the money and not feel this awful conflict.

Seth came a step closer. They were almost touching. “We’ll make sure he showers then.” His voice deepened. “Are you all right?”

“Yes,” she managed. “Thank you.” She looked away. “But Ridge and I don’t belong here.”

Seth tilted her chin up with his palm, her flesh warmed from his touch. “You belong. We all want you here.”

Breeze felt her chin tremble at his kind words. She knew they couldn’t stay here long, but she wanted to enjoy the time with Seth in this beautiful place. She mostly wanted to enjoy that appreciative look in Seth’s blue eyes and him touching her like she wasn’t wearing clothes that hadn’t been washed in days. The most embarrassing thing was that she smelled like bacon, as Cosette had pointed out.

Seth’s gaze trailed slowly over her face. His right hand was still cupping her chin. His left hand suddenly darted behind her back and snatched the shirt out of her hand. He held it up and smirked. “Why are you holding my dirty shirt?”

She looked down in humiliation.

His hand trailed along her chin and he cupped her neck with his large palm.

“It smelled like you,” she admitted, daring to stare at him.

“I smell like a dirty shirt?” he asked.

“It’s better than bacon,” she flung back at him.

Seth laughed. “Ah, Cozy. She has no filter.”

“You’re saying I don’t smell like bacon?”

“I’m saying I like bacon, and you look like an angel, so I don’t care what you smell like.”

Breeze appreciated that he thought she looked like an angel, but was humiliated that he’d all but admitted that she did stink.

“Am I interrupting?” Rachel asked from the doorway.

Breeze pulled back from Seth and shook her head quickly. At least she could bathe now. “No. Thank you for the clothes.”

Rachel walked forward with a stack. “Of course.” She looked pointedly at her brother. “I’m supposed to wait here to help you carry your ‘junk’ to Caleb’s room and make sure you give Breeze some privacy. Mom’s instructions.”

Seth laughed, but his eyes traveled over Breeze. “If Breeze wants privacy, I’ll be quick.” He didn’t wait for her answer but hurried to the closet with Rachel on his heels.

Breeze held the stack of clothes Rachel had handed to her. She didn’t want privacy. She wanted Seth, but she wanted to not smell like bacon the next time he cupped her neck.

Tags: Cami Checketts Jewel Family Billionaire Romance