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He’d open up when he was ready.

Chapter Eighteen

Was it seriouslyalmost the Fourth of July already?

James stared at the email from the HR department inviting everyone to a rooftop ice cream social at four o’clock.

He had a vague recollection of Tori mentioning it. Then again, they’d been in bed after another round of lovemaking. His mind hadn’t exactly latched onto work stuff.

In theory, it was a fun, bonding event for the firm’s employees and new summer associates. Ideally, kicking off the long holiday weekend. Only, many of the employees at Wright and Williams would be working through it.

Thankfully, James counted himself out of that crew. While in litigation, he’d been working sixty-hour workweeks easily. Sometimes more. Now in probate, it was a little closer to a manageable forty-five or fifty. And a hell of a lot less stress.

Glancing at the time, he noted there was still a half hour until the event. Which meant he had time to return a client call and handle some paperwork.

He ended up working until just past four and, once he finished, he was more than ready for that ice cream. Or more so the chance to see Tori again.

He took the elevator to the roof where the event was and stepped out into a crowd of employees.

The roof space was partially covered, with half in the open, with tables and lounging chairs sprawled about.

Being early July meant the weather could be a crapshoot—one hoped for sun, but it could just as easily be rainy.

The running joke in the Pacific Northwest was that summer began on July 5th. Always just after the holiday fun and the fireworks.

Fortunately, the sun was out today, and they were solidly into the low seventies. Which was perfect. This was the type of day that the PNW folks lived for.

His gaze drifted around the crowd, noting the new, eager-looking associates whom Tori had helped recruit from the colleges.

That had been him a couple of years ago, so thrilled and nervous to be working at a firm.

With a small smile, he searched the rest of the rooftop until he found her.

Tori and Grace were at a long table, helping scoop up ice cream and pointing out the variety of toppings.

She must’ve spotted him mid-scoop, because her smile widened and even from across the patio, their gazes held.

His heart did a little hitching thing, and all the work stuff eased from his mind at the sight of her.

God, had it ever felt like this with Hannah? No. Not that he could remember. That had been young love, which had turned into a stagnant relationship where two people were afraid to let go.

Until Tori had come along.

It was so different with Tori. The feelings were deeper. Scarier, and yet exhilarating. As if he were standing on the railing of this building, looking down.

When they weren’t together, it was like a part of him was missing. She’d become that significant.

She waved him over and he closed the distance between them.

“Happy Friday, James.” Her smile was warm and genuine as she gestured to the tubs of ice cream in ice buckets. “Which one is your poison?”

His lips twitched, and he gave a cursory glance at the selection.

“I’d love some of that butter pecan. Thanks, Tori.”

They were almost overly casual with each other at the workplace. Even though they’d disclosed their relationship to HR a couple of months ago, and it wasn’t a secret, they still aimed for discretion.

In some ways, it actually made things more exciting when they finally made it to the bedroom at night. Whether it was at her place or his.

Tags: Shelli Stevens Bro Code Romance