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She glanced around and realization sank in.


Her clothes were in the other guest room.

Tori opened the door to the room she was in, peeked out her head and hollered, “Hey, Kris?”

Footsteps rushed toward her, like her BFF had been waiting nearby.

“You need your clothes, don’t you?” Kris thrust the small bag forward. “On it.”

“Thanks.” She took the bag and tossed it back in the room.

Kris’s lip twitched. “Like kissing a cold dead fish, huh?”

For a moment, Tori was utterly confused, and then she remembered the conversation from brunch a couple of months ago.

Her cheeks heated. “Okay, so I might have lied about that.”

Kristen leaned forward and whispered, “I want all the details later.”

“Are you sure you wantallthe details? This is your brother we’re talking about.”

“Ew, yeah. You can leave a bunch of stuff out.” Her friend’s expression softened into something like wonder. “I’m so happy it finally happened. This is like a year in the making.”

Had it been?

The shower turned off, and Kristen ducked back into the hall. “Okay, I’ll see you at breakfast.”

“Thanks, Kris. We’ll be out in a few.”

She closed the door and leaned against it.

Hadthe whole sleeping with James thing been inevitable?

Stop overthinking, Tori. Don’t worry about the future and just enjoy the present.

And last night? Had definitely been a present.


“You have thispicture?”

James paused in the midst of cooking pork chops for dinner to glance over at Tori.

She stood by the fridge in nothing but panties and his T-shirt, touching a picture that was held up by a magnet.

It was the one Tori had taken last year at the coffee shop. It was an image of Blake, Kris, Tori, and himself. It was the night he’d kissed her for the first time.


Oh, damn, this could get embarrassing fast.

“How did you even get this? Wasn’t it on my Instagram account?”

He cleared his throat and threw his pride under the bus. “Well, you tagged Kris in it, and I took a screenshot and printed it out.”

“Right. I remember now. I tagged her to make that other guy she liked at the time jealous.” Her lips curved into a small smile. “What made you decide to print it out?”

Tags: Shelli Stevens Bro Code Romance