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“Don’t worry. I’ve gotten pretty good at the knee to the groin move if it gets really bad.”

He was silent for a moment. “I’m sorry you’ve had to deal with all that.”

Even with his gruff tone, she could tell he meant it.

“It is what it is.” Her smile tightened. “Maybe if I hadn’tworn such a short skirt, am I right?”

She’d thrown that victim-blaming bullshit out there to be funny, but James didn’t look the least bit amused.

Well, James had hit her hot button, and she’d gone off for the last few minutes. He probably regretted it now.

“I’m sorry.”

Blindsided and confused by his soft apology, she could only utter, “What?”

“I’ve clearly made some snap judgments about you in the last year, and I’m going to try and take my head out of my ass from here on out.”

Why did that leave her more alarmed than before? Fighting with James was so much easier than having him agree with her.

“I mistakenly assumed you liked the attention, Tori.”

“Well, I don’t.”

“I understand that now.”

She was quiet for a moment, thinking about how it had always been, and how she wished it could be.

“You know, I envy those who can just be in a room and observe without being bugged. Have that super-awesome wallflower vibe.”

“You a wallflower? Hard to imagine.”

“I know.” She gave a wistful sigh and thought about one of her favorite comics. “But some days I wish I could channel my Monica Rambeau fromCaptain Marveland just make myself invisible.”

James gave a wide smile and nodded before he stilled. He jerked his gaze back to hers, and his eyes were wide with confusion.


“I’m back. Did you guys order for me?” Ryan pulled out the chair next to Tori, cutting off whatever James had been about to ask.

“Sure did.” She winked at James. “Medium-rare steak and the french fries.”

“But I specifically said—” Ryan froze and then laughed. “I get it. You’re messing with me. You’re cute, Vicky.”

Vicky? Oh, hell no.

“I’m going to need you to call me Victoria.” She gave him her most steely smile that definitely held a warning.

“Oh.” Ryan’s mouth tightened, surprise and irritation in his eyes, before he forced a smile again. “Sure, no problem.”

Hopefully, he was figuring out that her interest in him was pretty much at zero percent and would give up.

While there was no denying Ryan was attractive and charming, Tori had no intention of getting involved with anyone at the firm.

It wasn’t just that there was no attraction to him, but it could also put her job at risk. And that was a big nope.

No one at Wright and Williams was worth that risk.

Her gaze slid to James, who was asking his cousin about the phone call.

Tags: Shelli Stevens Bro Code Romance