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“Well, that’s not awkward or anything.” Blake strode into the kitchen and wrapped his arm around his new wife’s waist, pressing a kiss to the back of her neck. “Smells delicious, sweetie.”

“Me or the dinner?”

“Why not both?”

James cringed. “I appreciate the dinner invite and all, but could you maybe save this nauseatingly sweet newlywed stuff for when I go home?”

Blake released Kristen and grinned. “Sorry, man. Sometimes I forget she’s your sister.”

“Wouldn’t be the first time.” James couldn’t help the lighthearted jab.

It was a clear reference to how the pair had gotten together. Kristen had been on a mission to lose her virginity—a cringy conversation James wasn’t supposed to overhear—and Blake had become her target.

Neither had planned on falling in love, let alone rushing to the altar not even a year later.

There was no animosity anymore toward his friend, though initially, he’d exploded over it. Now, Blake, who’d been like a brother, was legit his brother-in-law.

“But really, how awkward is it working with her?” Blake leaned against the counter, facing him. “I mean, you guys sucked face once, right?”

Twice, but he’d only confessed the one time to Blake. And it seemed Tori had told Kristen what happened too, so it was the worst-kept secret ever.

“But you’re going to be cool about her working there?” Kristen gave him a pointed look. “This is a great opportunity for her. Did you know she’s even considered going to law school?”

Chapter Four

James bit outa sharp laugh, certain his sister was joking.

“Tori? Right.”

Kristen dumped the pasta back into the pot and turned to face him.

“Yes, Tori. Don’t give me that look. You don’t know her, James. Not the first thing about her. That girl is actually really fucking smart.”

Why was it hard to envision the Tori he knew being that kind of brilliant?

Because she’s basically a walking wet dream.

He made a noncommittal grunt in response that had Kristen’s scowl deepening.

“Stop writing her off as a brainless hot chick. I know you’ve got more sense than that.”

His sister was way too good at reading his mind.

He knew Tori wasn’t stupid, but he was dubious that she was some kind of stellar intellect.

Having her join the lunch table last week had been like taking a baseball bat to the knees.

He’d managed to avoid her, and bam, she’d plopped down with their lunch group like some celebrity.

And some of the guys at the table had gawked at her as if she were one. Granted, they didn’t overtly drool, because some of these guys were the cockiest SOBs out there. Having attractive women in their lives was an everyday occurrence.

But there was something about Tori—or Victoria, as she went by at the firm—that had even the most seasoned players taking notice.

“Blake, can you add the sauce to the pasta? I need to run to the bathroom.” Kristen placed a kiss on her new husband’s cheek before dashing off down the hall.

“Bro, you look like you’re sucking on a lemon.” Blake emptied the pot of sauce into the noodles and grinned. “Is it really that bad?”

“She drives me crazy. Makes me totally irrational.”

Tags: Shelli Stevens Bro Code Romance