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He gently touched her cheek. “I hope you can learn.”

“I think I am. Slowly. But I do love you. So much it’s scary.”

“It is scary, isn’t it? To love someone this much?” He propped himself up on his elbow to look down at her. “But we’re in this together, and I’m also incredibly excited to see where this leads us.”


“I mean, I have a pretty good idea.” He moved to lace his fingers though hers, stroking her ring finger.

Her heart flipped and giddy bubbles soared through her blood.

“I can’t believe you wore a Ripley costume,” she muttered.

He gave a soft laugh. “Well you said you wanted to be the alien. So you really made that alien Facehugger mask? You’re so incredibly talented.”

“Thank you.” She bit her lip. “It’s what I want to do, actually. With part of the money from the house when I sell it. I want to start my own cosplay costume shop online. Make and sell costumes and masks. Maybe have a brick-and-mortar store down the road if it’s successful.”

“I love this idea, and I know you’ll be successful. Does this mean you’re quitting the firm?”

“Not yet. I kind of love getting to see you all the time, and it’s a fun job. But down the line, if things take off, then, yeah. I’ll probably focus on my craft.” A prickle of uncertainty hit. “But what about your family? Do you think they’ll be cool with us?”

“Absolutely. In fact, my parents sent me with messages.” He cleared his throat. “First, you’re invited to dinner Sunday night, and they won’t take no for an answer. Unless you have previous plans, of course.”

Her heart warmed. “I have no plans. I’d love to go.”

“Good. And the second message—this is from my mom—she said ‘good for you’ on earning that money on the Gamer Girl site.” He grimaced. “And then she proceeded to explain how she used to be a waitress at Hooter’s.”

“What?” Shock and amusement ripped through her. “Did you know that?”

“No. And I’ve been wishing ever since that I could unknow it.”

Tori burst out laughing. “Maybe that’s where your fondness for breasts came from.”

“Stop.” He nuzzled her chest. “Yours are just remarkable.”

“James.” She pulled him back up and cradled his face. “Thank you for coming after me.”

“I love you, Tori, and I was never going to let you go.” He smiled. “I just had to run all over the city last night to find the pieces to put together a Ripley costume.”

She sighed. “You’re literally perfect for me.”

“And you are for me. In every way.”

He lowered his head to kiss her again.

There was no fear or urgency now... just an open heart to a life of loving and letting herself be loved in return.

The End

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