Page 96 of Acceptance

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“She thinks you blame her, too.”

“I don’t. Christ, if the woman is going to eavesdrop, she should at least listen to the whole conversation. If she had, she would have known that wasn’t true.”

Even more frustrated, I end my call with Hazel and begin my plan—Operation Bring Ember Home.

The most important mission of my life.



Walking away from Amelia and Ryder was infinitely harder than having to walk away from my music career when I left Nashville. I must have written a million notes before I left, trying to figure out what I wanted to say to him. Nothing sounded right. So, I kept it short and sweet.

My heart breaks thinking about Amelia, picturing the look on her face when she realizes I’m gone. As much as it might hurt her now, in the long run, it’s for the best. After everything that went down with Devlin, there was no way for Ryder and me to survive. He would end up resenting me or worse, hating me for the pain I caused Amelia… and him.

So, before any of us got deeper into this, before any more pain could be caused, I left. Things are better this way. At least, that’s what I keep trying to convince myself of. I had a life before Virginia Beach. One that I’m free to return to now.

My music. My family.

That’s where I’m headed, to see my family. I considered calling them before I left but thought better of it. So much has happened, so much time has gone by, a phone call wouldn’t suffice. No, this was something that needed to be handled face to face.

As we drive down the familiar road, Rick works tirelessly to convince me to go back to Virginia Beach—to Ryder. He’s been on the same tirade for twenty-four hours, ever since we left.

“It’s for the best. Believe me. Besides, I have my career to think of.”

Once upon a time, my career had been everything to me. I should be thrilled to have it back, yet all I can focus on is Amelia’s sweet face and what it must have looked like when she realized I was gone. Tears well in my eyes at the thought. She’s been through so much, and we were so close. I hated to walk away.

“Yep, your career.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

Rick gives me a quick glance before returning his eyes to the road.

“You walked away from that career to give yourself a real shot at a life. Now you want me to believe you’re okay walking away from that life for a career?”

“I don’t give a damn what you believe,” I say, folding my arms across my chest.

“Of course not, because you know I’m right. This is the same way you acted when—”

“Don’t you dare say it.” I know where he’s going, and I don’t need the reminder. I had behaved the same way when he tried to warn me about Devlin—I wouldn’t listen.

“I’m just saying, things work out well when you listen to me.”

I roll my eyes and steer the conversation to the Rusty Nail and my welcome-back show.

Ten minutes later, Rick pulls up in front of my parents’ house.

“We’re here,” Rick says, killing the engine.

“What if they hate me?”

“Hate you? They love you. That’s why they couldn’t watch you go through that.”

I know he’s right, and I know what a mistake Devlin was and how hard my choices must have been on my parents. I just wish they wouldn’t have completely abandoned me.

“They didn’t abandon you,” he assures me. “They gave you space, hoping you would make the right choice.”

I suppose it did result in opening my eyes. It wasn’t until I felt as though I’d lost them, I really saw where my life was going. Then, with Rick’s help, I was able to escape it.

Tags: L.M. Reid Romance