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Elliot leans toward Nonny again to spy on her text, with the mug at his lips…as though that will disguise the fact that he is rather shamelessly snooping.

She places her half-eaten bagel on her plate. “Elliot, please,” she says, her voice annoyed.

“I’m making sure you aren’t texting some jerk.”

“He’s just a boy in my algebra class.”

“There is no such thing as just a boy.”

“You know this because?”

“All men are animals,” Elliot says good naturedly, but there is an edge to his tone that promises anyone hurting Nonny is going to answer to him.

“He’s not even that smart. He wants me to help him with his history homework.” Nonny huffs.

“I thought you said algebra class.”

“We also have history together.”

His brow knots. “And how many other classes?”

The doorbell rings, cutting Elliot’s inquisition short. I go open it and see Elizabeth on the other side.

“Hi!” She gives me a tight hug, then marches in, dragging a suitcase behind her. She’s in a bright magenta jersey dress and nude pumps. A purse the precise shade as her dress hangs from her slim wrist.

“I can’t believe Ryder let you carry it.” Elliot gets up and wraps her in his arms for a warm embrace. “He didn’t send any muscle with you?”

“Oh, stop. Ryder’s staff put it in the car for me. And I’m not going to break from carrying my own suitcase.” She stops and returns a hug from Nonny. “So. You heard about the plan, huh?”

“Yup.” Nonny beams, annoyance with Elliot’s overprotectiveness apparently forgotten.

“You and I are going to have a great time together. Ryder invited us for dinner and a movie Friday.” She turns to me. “I hope that’s okay?”

Wow. That’s very kind of him, and I suspect it also has something to do with Elizabeth, since he has no reason to extend the invitation. Based on what I know, I’m beginning

to suspect the men in her family adore her.

When the silence stretches for more than half a second, Nonny falls forward on the table. “Ohmigod SAY YES, PLEASE! I’ll do anything!”

I blink at my sister’s dramatic display and laugh.

“If you let me see who’s texting you,” Elliot interjects. “I’m interested in boys only.”

“You’re kidding,” Nonny whines.

“I don’t think he’s being entirely unreasonable,” I say. “It’s important to make sure you don’t associate with the wrong kind of guys.” I know how harrowing it can be when a guy decides to do whatever he wants without any regard for the girl involved.

Nonny rolls her eyes. “The worst that’s going to happen is we go out and break up.”

No, that’s not the worst. There are many more things, the kind of stuff you have nightmares about and make you break down in front of other people who just don’t get it. But I don’t want to rob Nonny of her innocence or youthful zest for life. I want to protect her without being completely smothering. “Let’s compromise and say that if you’re going to be serious about a guy, let us meet him first.”

Another eye-roll. “Okay, fine.”

I turn to Elizabeth. “Thank you for the offer, and also for staying here to keep an eye on my sister.”

“No problem. Have fun. St. Cecilia is beautiful. I was there for the resort opening, and it was fabulous.”

“You know me. Always the best for my bride.” Elliot places a kiss on my forehead.

Tags: Nadia Lee Elliot & Annabelle Romance