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“I’d be sorrier if I paid you because that would make me an idiot.”

“I know a lot about you, Annabelle…”

“Like what? You think you know because you lived with me for several months, but when did you actually talk to me? You were always busy partying and bringing guys over and doing your part-time job.” I shudder. “We said hi maybe once a week?”

“You came out of the cake! That’s how you met Elliot.”

She couldn’t be more wrong. That wasn’t the first time I met him, not that I’m going into that. It’s none of her business.

“Just imagine how the story’s going to embarrass him and his family. Ryder’s wife had a sex tape not too long ago. Do you think your husband is going to be okay with this scandal out there? Or Nonny?” She tsks. “What will her friends say?”

My molars grind together. She went too far, threatening to humiliate Elliot and his family. And how dare she drag my baby sister into the mess? “Caroline, I was subbing for you. It was your job. You are the one who told me you didn’t want your parents to know. If you mention it to other people, I’ll have no choice but to let everyone know it was actually your job, and I’ll make sure to send a link to that article to your parents.”

“You wouldn’t


“Try me,” I say, doing my best to infuse the steely authority Elliot employs when he wants to make a point.

“You fucking bitch! You think you can talk to me like this and get away with it?”

“I think I just did. Don’t ever threaten me or try to blackmail me again.” I hang up and toss the vibrating phone on the bed like it’s a hissing snake.

My hands and legs start shaking, and I take a deep breath and sit in one of the armchairs. I can’t believe I just did that! I’m not used to confronting people, especially after my father was disgraced. I’ve never used such an authoritative tone, either…although from the way Caroline went nuts I don’t think I really sounded very hard, the way Elliot can.

The door opens, and Elliot walks in. A white towel is draped over his yummy shoulders. One look at my face, and his eyes sharpen. “You okay?” He comes over and puts a hand on my arm.

“I’m fine.” I giggle. “I’m fine. Really.”

“You look a little shaky.”

“It’s nothing.” I lean into him, absorbing the warmth of his smooth skin. “Just taking care of some minor business. Nothing serious.” I inhale his scent—all clean and male with a hint of chlorine from the pool.

“Okay.” He runs a hand along my hair.

I close my eyes. Wrapping my arms around his waist, I pull him closer, pressing my cheek against his stomach.

Maybe Caroline’s right that I’m a fucking bitch, but I’d rather be that than let her hurt Elliot. Keeping him safe from harm has become important. I don’t want to see shadows in his eyes, and I worry how he might see me if he finds out about all the stupid stuff I’ve done. He already knows too much.

Chapter Thirteen


Elliot drops me at a café, and he goes off to run some errands before we leave for our week-long honeymoon. I smooth my dark chocolate-colored dress and walk inside the trendy downtown location.

My Mary Janes tok tok on the floor as I walk toward the counter. I order an iced coffee and take my drink to a booth in the back. Traci’s already there. The fitted black shirt is low-cut to reveal her impressive cleavage, and her mini skirt is the color of a fire engine. It shows off her shapely legs, which today end in a pair of black sandals with three-inch heels. She’s let her hair down, letting it frame her face and making it look less round.

Traci gets up and gives me a quick hug. “So good to see you. I kicked myself after I left Gavin’s place.”

“Why?” I say, taking a seat across from her.

“Didn’t get your number, and I didn’t think you’d call. I remember what a bitch I was to you.”

“No, don’t. You weren’t.” I take a slow sip of my coffee. “I’m not saying I wasn’t disappointed, but I couldn’t blame you for the way you felt. I’m not sure if I would’ve reacted any differently.”

“Thanks, Annabelle.” Her shoulders droop. “You have no idea how much I regretted it. I felt awful when I realized you’d left and I had no way of contacting you. You got rid of your old phone, and there was no Facebook, nothing.”

“Couldn’t afford the plan, and I wanted to start over. There was nobody on the phone I could call.” I hold up a hand to forestall any more apologizing. “So, how did you end up in L.A.?”

Tags: Nadia Lee Elliot & Annabelle Romance