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“His mother dropped in for a surprise visit. And the bastard didn’t tell me, so I was completely ambushed when I came home from work. I almost fainted. Thank God it was after school, so I was presentable.” Bennie always dresses in a sharp suit for his classes.

I muster a proper response. “Wow. Um…how did it go?”

“She was so…normal. I couldn’t believe it. She didn’t mind taking off her Cucinelli pumps in the entryway, or eating our cup ramen. It was positively surreal.”

“So it went well?”

“Uh-huh. So well that I actually thought I dreamed it all! She said she was thrilled—a direct quote—that Drew had found someone he loves so much.” Bennie lets out a squeal. “She asked me to forgive her for barging in, but she couldn’t stand the curiosity. She’d never seen Drew so in love before.” He takes a breath. “Also a direct quote.”

“I’m really happy for you.” My breath hitches as a fresh wave of tears fill my eyes, and I bite my lower lip, praying he didn’t hear it.

Of course, today isn’t my lucky day. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.” My voice breaks.

“Okaaay… Come on, girl. You can’t hide what’s going on. Oh shit. It’s Thanksgiving, isn’t it? Something happened to Darcy and Ray?”

I shake my head then remember he can’t see me. “No. Nothing like that.” My knees are too weak, and I can’t remain standing anymore. I slowly fold until I’m squatting on the concrete. “I’m a mess. You were right about everything.”

“What happened?”

I tell him about the dinner—how it was going so well until Faye showed up and dropped the bombshell. “I ruined everything.”

“No, you didn’t. You were going to tell him. It’s just that that bitch had to fuck it up. Ugh. This is why I hate men with clingy exes! Hetero, homo, bi…it doesn’t matter. They’re like cockroaches, always coming out when you least want them.” He breathes out harshly. “What are you going to do?”

“I don’t know.”

“Is there anything I can do?”

“Just be yourself. That’s more than enough, Bennie.” I wipe the tears from my face. Mascara smears my fingers.

“Jesus. I’m a shitty friend, going on about how nice Drew’s mom is when you’re in crisis.”

“Benjamin Kelly Monsanto, you did not just say that!”

“Hey, what’s with the attitude?” There’s a wince in his voice. He hates it when people use his full name.

“I’m just glad one of us is happy, okay? Don’t ever try to lessen your happiness for me. If you’re really my friend, you’ll relish every second of joy because that’s what I want for you.”


“At least one of us, Bennie.”

“Thanks.” He is subdued. “You know… Just a suggestion…”


“When I was too scared to go for it with Drew, you pushed me to do it, right? And he and I had a real heart-to-heart. You know a lot about Lucas—at least a lot of the public stuff. He probably doesn’t know much about you, except what you told him.”

“Probably not.” He knows about how I grew up—sort of—and my parents’ utterly dysfunctional lives, but he doesn’t know much about me since my first encounter with Blake.

“Give him a day or two to digest it all—just like you needed time to pull things together after you googled him—then talk to him. If he really loves you, he’ll give you that chance.”

“I didn’t.”

“You didn’t what?”

“I didn’t give him a chance to explain when I read about the deal between him and his father.”

Tags: Nadia Lee Romance