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Her eyes shine with tears. “What about me? Have you felt anything about me?”

“I love you too, but as a friend. The more time we spent together, the more I realized that.” I reach over and hold her hand. “This doesn’t change our friendship. I’m still going ahead and invest in the venture you wanted to talk about. I’ll always support you and be there for you. But I can’t go beyond that. It wouldn’t be fair. You deserve a man who can’t keep his hands off you and thinks the sun rises and sets with you.”

Her chin trembles, and she presses her lips hard until she can control her emotions again. “How can you say such pretty things when you’re dumping me?”

“Don’t think of it that way. Think of it as creating a relationship that works for both of us.”

She manages a smile. “You’re right. Forcing anything when you feel this way would only ruin our friendship. Thank you for telling me in person.”

A knot eases in my gut, and I smile back. “Thanks for understanding. Really.”

We finish our meal, chitchatting about immediate plans and the gossip we’ve heard about people in our circle. Faye’s a bit subdued, but she tries hard to be a good sport, and I know we’ll be all right. And I meant everything I said about being her friend.

After lunch, I pick up the tab. “You don’t have to,” she chides.

“Hey, I asked you out.” I pay and hug her.

Turning her head, she brushes a kiss on my cheek. “You’re the best.”

She walks away to her car, head high and stride elegant. After making sure she gets inside her Mercedes, I climb into mine and text Elliot.

You’re inviting me and Ava to dinner at your place tonight.

A second later, his responds hits my phone. Ava?


What happened?

We got back together. Now invite us.

Don’t you want to spend some private time with her?

I do, but I also remember her story from the weekend. I’m never going to do anything that’ll give her the impression I’m not proud of her or that I’m treating her the way her douchebag dad treated her mother. The bastard is lucky he’s dead, or else I would’ve made him wish he were. Of course. And I don’t want to see your ugly mug, but she wants to get to know you and other members of the family better, so just invite us already. Or I’m gonna show up anyway and embarrass the shit out of you. In front of Belle.

That’s low, and FYI if my mug’s ugly, so is yours, oh thoughtless twin of mine. You guys can come by, but we’re doing Thai takeout because it’s Monday.

Thanks. I’ll be there after our appointment with the realtor.

Moving in together?


That done, I text Ryder to know I’m bringing Ava for Thanksgiving. Within a minute, I get a call from him.

“I thought you two broke up,” Ryder says, no hello or how are you.

I’m feeling too good to be annoyed with his shock. “We made up.”

“Since when?”


He laughs. “Dude. Did you beg or did she??


“There was no begging. A mutual decision.” I’ll always treasure the memory of her choosing us over her fears and insecurities, even when I probed her to see how real it all was.

Tags: Nadia Lee Romance