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I go to Gail and squeeze her weathered hand. “I’m sorry. Really. It won’t happen again.”

Blake sits back in an armchair, doing what people are starting to call manspreading. “That’s right. I won’t let it.”

“Good. Now, would you like something to eat?”

“Something warm. And maybe a sandwich?” Blake asks hopefully.

“I can manage that.” She points at the other armchair. “Sit down, Lucas. You’re making me nervous.” She waits until I actually take the seat and then disappears into the kitchen.

“‘I won’t let it.’” I snort. “Smug SOB, aren’t you? You can’t stay here forever to keep an eye on things.”

He shrugs. “You can’t stay here for too long either.”

“Why the hell not?”

“Don’t you remember your rather open-ended promise to Nate Sterling?”

Obscenely wealthy and well connected, Nate Sterling is a relative—through marriage—on the Pryce side of the family. Although he and I are friends, I can’t imagine making a blank promise to him. I absolutely hate owing anyone anything. “What promise?”

Blake shakes his head. “I knew it. I even told Nate you probably forgot, since you’re no liar.”

I inhale sharply as a fresh wave of pain cuts through me. My asshole brother thinks I’m not a liar…but not the woman I love.

Not just a liar, but a greedy, greedy bastard.

Just like the way I was a greedy fetus.

I rub my hands together, feeling grimy.

Blake’s flat tone pulls me out of my headspace. “You told him you’d help in any way you could if he ever opened a clinic for the poor.”

Finally, I remember. When I learned how much Ava and her mother had suffered growing up, a clinic for people who fell through the cracks was something I wanted to do, and Nate seemed like the perfect partner for that type of venture. “And? Don’t tell me he’s going to build one now.” I no longer have the drive or the proper state of mind for a project as ambitious as this.

“He has, and it’s already open. The Sterling Medical Center in L.A. Well, ‘open’… He’ll make it official in about a week or two, I imagine.”

“Then he doesn’t need me.”

“Wrong. He wants you to help with fundraisers.”

What the hell? “That’s not my area. Why doesn’t he ask Elizabeth?” There’s no wallet she can’t crack with that smile of hers.

“She told him she was too busy. It’s not like she has nothing to do with her time.”

Goddamn it.

“And it’s not like there’s anything keeping you here.”

But there is.

I didn’t go jogging three times a day for shits and giggles. No matter how convoluted a route I took, I always made sure to pass Darcy and Ray’s house…which I guess makes me a stalker. It wouldn’t surprise me a bit if Ava’s taken out a restraining order. I’ve been behaving like some of the psychos who’ve harassed my sister.

If I were a better man, I’d just accept Ava’s decision—no, that’s not right. If I were a better man, she wouldn’t have rejected me in the first place.

But…I’m not. So I kept going by her place to see if she was all right without me. To see if she’d found someone else.

I wish she were a tenth as miserable as I am, so she’d want me back to make the hurt go away. But I haven’t seen her at the house and she hasn’t called. Wanting her—missing her—has become a tangible thing that wraps around and squeezes until I feel like I’m about to burst.

The only bright spot is that she doesn’t seem to be dating anyone new.

Tags: Nadia Lee Romance