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I shrug. “Let her have her fun. We can see each other later.”

Belle passes around egg rolls, while Elliot wrestles with the Merlot I brought and serves us. I note he doesn’t offer his wife a glass, and the thought comes again: a recovering alcoholic?

“Sweet and sour sauce?” Belle offers.

I nod my thanks, drizzle some over my egg rolls and bite into one. It’s crisp and perfectly cooked. “Anybody else coming? Ryder?” Ryder and Elliot are tight.

“He’s in the Maldives with Paige at the moment.”

“The Maldives? Isn’t she a little too pregnant for that kind of trip?”

“You would think, but he’s determined to keep her away from the pressure-cooker media. It’s been rough on her.”

I shake my head. “He should’ve thought that before knocking her up.”

“They’re married, so it’s all good. Besides, there’s never a perfect time for kids.”

“Poor Paige.” Belle shakes her head. “I wonder if she knew how it was going to be. People seem to think I’m interesting because of my marriage. I can’t imagine what it must be like for her.”

“Thankfully Paige is smart, and she’s seen media circuses while working for Ryder,” Elliot says.

“There is a difference between seeing and actually experiencing it yourself.” I serve myself some spicy beef and Chinese meatballs. “So. When are you guys going to start a family?”

“Not until I finish college and maybe get settled in my career.”

I regard her. “You haven’t finished?”

She flushes. “Not yet. I had to take time off, but I’m ready to go back.”

“Good for you,” I say even as I give Elliot a “what the hell” look.

My brother stares back at me blankly. Ugh. Women do not enjoy working. He should’ve made it clear she could stay home and spend her time pampering herself. It’s ridiculous for her to go back to school or get a job…much less a career.

“What field are you thinking of?” I ask, just to be polite.

“Something in financial services, maybe. I want to help people plan for big events in life—buying homes, having kids, college, retirement and so on.”

Elliot toys with her unbound hair. “I’m sure you’re going to be amazing. I’m so proud of you.”

He gazes into her eyes with a naked adoration that seems more intimate than sex. I look away and drain my wine.

After we finish our meal, Belle gets a call she has to take from her boss, so Elliot and I go to the balcony. The November evening breeze is refreshingly cool as it brushes over us, and the traffic below our feet flows like glowing rivers of diamonds and rubies.

“Did you really mean what you said at Blake’s place?” Elliot asks.

“About what?”

“Marriage.” His brows pull into a deep V. “You and Ava…”

“It’s over. I’m marrying Faye.”

“Faye? Faye Belbin?”

I nod. “Haven’t told her yet, but she’s the best candidate.”

“Huh. From the way you reacted when all that crap came out about Annabelle Underhill, I thought you cared about Ava.”

“Yeah, well… It wasn’t mutual.”

Tags: Nadia Lee Romance