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“Smart and realistic,” Blake corrects. “Besides, I like Faye. She knows how to stick the knife in when she has to.”

The kiss undoubtedly showed Ava I’m over her and no longer the same loser who showed up on her doorstep. But now that I know the truth, I feel vaguely used and dirty, an unwilling participant in Faye’s little game.

Why does it matter? If she’d told you Ava was watching, would you not have kissed her?

Elizabeth sighs. “You’re making a big mistake.”

Deliberately, I make my voice cold. “The only mistake I made was going after her.” I raise a finger to stall my sister. “Don’t interfere again, Elizabeth. I won’t forgive you the next time.”

“That’s totally fine. It’s not like there’s going to be a next time. And Ava’s date showed up to dry her tears anyway.”

I pull back while anger and jealousy unfurl in my gut. She’s moved on. Why the fuck did she cry then? I was right not to read much into it, wasn’t I?

I decide to have the pancakes and waffles after all. And I choke down every damn bite…because fuck this. I’m not going to starve pointlessly.

When the waitress brings our check, Blake hands her his plastic. Elizabeth says something, but I’m distracted as my phone starts ringing. I check the number. It’s Nate.

“Yes?” I bite out.

“And a cheery good morning to you, too.” Nate’s voice is dry. “Thanks for coming last night. You finally decided to pull your weight in this venture, huh?”

I drop my forehead into my palm. I’m being a dick, taking my frustration out on people who don’t deserve it. “Sorry. Just not in the right frame of mind for…you know.” Nate doesn’t need to know the details.

“The tabloids haven’t been kind to you guys.” Nate sounds sympathetic. He’s experienced some vulture-fests in his time as well. Can’t be helped when he’s second in line to take over the Sterling & Wilson fortune. “I was calling to see if you’re still serious about contributing to the center.”

“Of course,” I say without hesitation. It’s just the sort of thing I need to keep me from thinking about Ava. I wasted my life doing nothing for two years after she vanished on me. No way am I going for an encore.

“Great. Why don’t you come by this afternoon? Take a tour of the place and we can talk. I want to make sure it’s really something you want to get involved in long-term.”

“I’m sure it will be.” I’ve got nothing better to do with my life, I think and choke back a self-deprecating laugh. “Two o’clock good?”

“Perfect. See you then.”

The moment I hang up, Elizabeth asks, “Who was that?”

“Faye,” Blake guesses.


“Oh.” Elizabeth sits back. “He’s finally getting you to help out?”

I nod. “It’s a worthy cause.” Even if I no longer care about Ava—and I really don’t—the medical center is something I want to champion.

“Tax deductible, too,” Blake adds.

Elizabeth shoots him a withering look. “There’s more to life than tax deductions.”

“True, but they help make it more enjoyable.” He studies her speculatively. “How come you aren’t involved? You’re a far better candidate than Lucas for fundraising and stuff.”

“Hey, I’m not that terrible.” But Blake is right about our sister being better. Actually, she’s the best.

“I can only take on so many projects,” Elizabeth says. “In addition to the international charity work I’ve committed to in the last twelve months, I’m also managing building and funding shelters for abused women and children. Then there’s the No More Childhood Hunger campaign…” Reaching for her coffee, she glances my way. “I don’t think I can do a good job with Nate’s hospital, so I’m glad you’ll be helping out.”

God. The expectations keep rising, but I can man up. “I can handle it. Somebody’s gotta take on the mantle rather than expecting you to do everything.”

“I couldn’t agree more.”

Blake is watching Elizabeth like he doesn’t quite believe her. Something passes between them. “I guess everyone’s got their limits,” he says, and finishes his bacon.

Tags: Nadia Lee Romance