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Huh. “Why not?”

“You want me to call them?” She reaches into her purse.

I start to shake my head, then think better of the idea and wave my hand weakly instead. “No. It’s fine.”

“Let’s order. I’m starving,” Blake says, opening the laminated menu.

“I know what I want.” Elizabeth lays her hands on the table—slim and beautifully manicured. Sort of how Ava’s were after that spa treatment in Osaka. She glowed afterward, and I loved seeing her so relaxed and pam—

Stop thinking about her.

“I’ll go with their Man Set.” Blake leans back. “You?”

“Whatever. Something.” I’m not that interested in eating.

Our waitress comes over. Her huge plastic tits don’t even bounce as she moves, although her blond ponytail does. Enhanced lips glisten with too much gloss. Probably an actress or model wannabe. From the way Blake eyes her, she’s going to get a fat tip.

Elizabeth orders for all of us, and the server leaves after placing a carafe of hot coffee on the table. I pour myself a steaming cup. Caffeine will be just the thing to get through whatever bullshit lies ahead.

“Guess who I saw yesterday at the opening,” Elizabeth says.

“A man with a big—fat—swollen…check,” Blake answers, enunciating every syllable with care.

I snort. “If anything would get our sister excited…”

“Don’t be a jerk.” She gives me a sidelong glance of warning.

Aw, shit. This isn’t a good sign. “Okay. Who?”

Elizabeth shifts and sips her coffee. Then with an inordinate care that tests my patience, she places her mug on the table just so. “Ava Huss.”

The hammer in my head starts pounding twice as hard. I sit back and glare at her. “Are you high?”

“Soberer than you, it looks like.”

“You must have been mistaken. Ava doesn’t run in circles that get invitations to an opening like that. She isn’t rich enough or connected enough. Nate would never invite someone who can’t blow tens of thousands without a thought.” A couple of events like that, and the two million I gave her will be gone.

“Don’t be such a snob. She works for Robbie.”

“Who the hell is Robbie?”

“I told you. Her boss.”

No way. I’m not letting my sister get away with this. I don’t care if Blake is watching. “Right, and I was born last night. You did this, didn’t you?”

She puts an angelic hand over her chest. “Me?”

“Who else? You were trying to manipulate me—again—into running into her. Well, you failed.” I try not to snap at her, since she’s my sister and I actually do like her. But she is seriously testing my patience.

“That’s completely unfair—”

Her pointless protest is interrupted when our server brings our food. Elizabeth gets French toast topped with fresh berries, powdered sugar and whipped cream, maple syrup on the side, while Blake’s Man Set comes with a mountain of bacon, sausages and scrambled eggs fried in butter—a cardiologist’s nightmare. The waitress places a platter of pancakes and waffles in front of me with a smile. “Our specialty.”

They remind me of the meal I had at Ray and Darcy’s house right before I stole Ava away to the bed and breakfast for the happiest weekend of my life…when I thought we both wanted the same thing. I promised to whisk her away to Paris, and she acted like that was exactly what she wanted, too. I bite back a curse.

Fool. Fool. Fool.

“Unfair my ass,” I grate out when we’re somewhat private again. “You sent me that envelope to push me toward Ava, you interfering little witch.”

Tags: Nadia Lee Romance