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“Robbie,” I say.

“Great job, Ava. You’ve done well,” he says. “This your date?”

“Yes. Meet Jon Barkley. We went to school together.” I turn to Jon. “This is my boss, Robbie Choi.”

Both men beam, and they shake hands.

“Jay, meet my new assistant Ava. I couldn’t have pulled it off without her help. Ava, my wife.”

Jay shakes my hand, her grip firm and strong. She also gives Jon’s hand a couple of determined pumps. “Lovely to meet you, Ava. Robbie can’t stop singing your praises.”

Is it my imagination, or is there a hint of censure in her tone? I blink once and look at her face. She’s smiling expectantly, and I realize I should say something. “Oh, I haven’t done much except help. This is Robbie’s event.”

“Nonsense,” she says. “Behind every great man is a capable woman.”

She seems nice, but my internal alarm is blaring. I force a smile. “He has you.”

“And now you as well.” She turns to Robbie. “I think I’ll go grab something to drink…”

“I’m fine. I have to check on a few things.”

“All right, then. I’ll leave you to it.” She walks away.

Robbie flashes a quick grin, but somehow it looks tight. “I’m hoping you’ll mingle and get to meet the people on the list I gave you.”

Despite myself, I flinch inwardly. The list contains Elizabeth Pryce-Reed, and the last person I want to see is someone from Lucas’s family—the people he never wanted me to meet…people who must’ve known why he was pretending to care about me.

Robbie continues, “Those are the most likely donors for our cause, and they’ll be more receptive if they know you and like you.”

Not even my own parents thought I was worth anything, but I can probably fake it for a bit. After all, I won’t be spending more than a few minutes with each of them, and I can probably avoid Elizabeth. Let someone else woo her. “Okay.”

He nods his approval and introduces me to a few people to start. After that, I’m on my own, along with Jon. “Sorry,” I say with a cringe. “I didn’t realize he’d ask me to mingle with people neither of us know.”

Jon shrugs. “I expected it to be that kind of event. I’ve had to attend a few for work reasons.”

So, Jon’s hand at my elbow, I do as instructed. I don’t know how Robbie keeps track of all the people. They start to blen

d together after a while. It’s much worse than meeting a class of new students. At least there was a seating chart with names to help me remember. And it doesn’t help that my shoes are starting to kill me. I’m not used to being in heels for so long.

Jon runs into a former client, and I quietly excuse myself while they chat. A short break won’t be remiss. I’ll go out to the lobby, sit in a quiet corner for a few minutes and make notes of the people I got a good reading on for follow-ups.

I start to return to the party, then stop when I see Elizabeth coming in my direction. She’s even prettier in person, all delicate bones and gentle curves wrapped in ivory silk. Naturally blond, she looks nothing like Lucas. If I didn’t know from my Google searches, I would never suspect they’re related.

All the things I read about her flash through my mind. Angel. Champion of the Poor and the Hungry. Charity Queen. No cause for the less fortunate too small to be ignored.

But she’s taking part in a scheme to marry some unsuspecting man for financial gain—a painting worth millions. Just because she has a perfect public persona doesn’t mean she’s the same in private. I should know—all you have to do is look at Dad. Or Mom. They both played the loving, struggling parent to perfection until death did them, and I was the one left hurting.

Not wanting to face Elizabeth, I turn and go to the opposite end of the lobby. There’s a door that leads to the restroom, but I also spot a looping staircase to the second level with restaurants and gift shops. I turn and start to climb the steps.

The skin at the nape of my neck prickles, and I look over my shoulder. A dark-haired man has intercepted Elizabeth, and she smiles at him, but her gaze flicks in my direction.

I make a loop and return to the opposite end of the lobby from where she is. I put a hand over my chest. I doubt she wanted to see me for a donation. Most likely she wants to try to persuade me to marry Lucas so the siblings can get their paintings.

I breathe in, but my lungs are tight. Need some fresh air. I go toward the main entrance.

A crisply uniformed valet brings out a black limo and hands the keys to a waiting driver. A couple is standing to the side, waiting to get into the car. I shiver as the cool evening air brushes my bare arms.

The woman turns her head, arches an eyebrow as she notices me and whispers something into the man’s ear. My lips part. It’s Faye Belbin. The jet-black hair, the pale skin and the dainty face are unmistakable. A low-cut royal-blue dress clings to her stunning body like she had it glued on.

Tags: Nadia Lee Romance