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I argue logically, of course. There is no harm in reconnecting with him precisely because he is a nice guy and I do like him. Who knows? This may grow into something. Back in the day, every one of my friends who met him liked him too.

I text him the event info. His answer is almost instantaneous. Great. See you there.

Perfect. Seeing him is exactly what I need. My new beginning isn’t just the new job, but a new everything.

I’ll be fine. I know I will, I tell myself as I rub the aching spot on my chest.

Chapter Ten


“So… Final check for the opening reception tonight,” Robbie begins, stopping by my cubicle. He’s in a pale button-down shirt and khakis, which I’ve dubbed “Robbie Style.” I haven’t yet seen him in anything else, and am starting to suspect he doesn’t own any other clothes. “Everything good?”

“On target,” I say with a smile. “Don’t worry.”

He huffs. “I’m not used to dealing with nonprofit medical centers like this. Nate barely gave me any warning about this grand opening fundraiser.”

I suppress a smile. Apparently Robbie—whose previous positions were in health care management—has never had to do a fundraiser before. He’s been a bit frazzled.

“If he’s going to invite all those rich people, why not ask them to chip in?” I ask lightly. Surely they can spare some change for the poor. Stop all those minor illnesses from becoming something major because of money.

“Right.” He exhales roughly. “Don’t forget you have to be there tonight.”

I almost roll my eyes at his tenth reminder. “Don’t worry. I’ll be there.”

“Okay. See you tonight then.” Robbie hurries toward the elevator. Something else I learned since started working here—Robbie’s previous easy and slow manners were for my benefit, so it didn’t look like he was rushing me through the tour. Normally he moves so fast it looks like he’s practically jogging.

Since the opening reception is a fairly fancy event, I shut down my laptop a little bit early so I can prettify myself and get to the hotel where the reception will be held. I need to change into a more formal dress than the simple lavender one I’m wearing. Thankfully I have a classic black cocktail dress that’s right for the occasion—yay for impulsive clearance rack browsing—and I freshen up my makeup. As I squeeze my feet into pointy-toed heels, I sigh. I miss Japan and its love of comfy but stylish shoes. But there’s no way I’m wearing flats at a function like this.

The opening of the center is a big deal. One of the main tenets of the medical center is that you deserve to be treated with dignity and respect the moment you walk through the door. Bennie once remarked that rich people probably need to do this to earn a ticket to heaven, but I don’t care about the motive. If there’d been more guilt-laden rich people in the town where we grew up, Mom could’ve gotten the care she needed.

The hotel where Nate Sterling decided to host the event is modern and chic, just like the medical center. Contemporary art and furniture fill the sleek main lobby, and the reception hall is huge, with a smooth marble floor and rectangular chandeliers that look totally space-age. The hotel management is sponsoring the event—thank God—so we’re hosting it there for free. I can’t imagine how much it would cost otherwise…although from what I can tell, Nate isn’t the type to care about money.

Just like Lucas.

Then I mentally smack myself. You decided not to think about him anymore, remember? I moved across the entire damn continent to put distance between us, so I wouldn’t be tempted to check for women’s cars parked in his driveway.

This too shall pass. Bad moments disappear if you stand strong. And I don’t care what it costs: I will be the last one standing.

I do a final check with the hotel staff to make sure the arrangements are perfect. Thankfully, everyone’s professional and on top of things. Nobody seems to notice or care that the event is really to benefit the poor. Their attitude surprises me; the poor always seem to get snubbed or patronized in subtle ways.

Within half an hour, the reception hall starts to fill with people in expensive designer clothes and jewelry. I scan the crowd, then spot Jon stepping inside. He’s changed into a fresh suit—this one is dark gray, giving him a little extra gravitas—and I have to admit he looks fantastic. I go over to him.

“You made it.”

“Of course.” He looks around. “This is awesome.”

“It is, isn’t it?” I grin. “Come on. I’m supposed to mingle until needed.”

“Cool.” He snatches two flutes of bubbly from a server and hands me one. “To reconnecting.”

I clink my glass against his. “Cheers.” I take a sip, let the flavor of crisp alcohol fill my mouth. It’s almost as good as what I had on Lucas’s plane. And the second the thought enters my mind, I stiffen, unable to help myself.

“What’s wrong?” Jon asks.

“Have to be on my best behavior,” I fib. “My boss is coming our way.”

Robbie reaches us in the next five seconds. He’s dashing in a navy suit, and escorting a slim middle-aged Asian woman in a bright red dress that flatters her complexion and vivid coloring.

Tags: Nadia Lee Romance