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He lifts my hand and kisses the knuckles. The hot moist touch of his lips sends frissons of heat along my spine. He can do so many wicked things with his mouth, bring my body to immeasurable heights of pleasure. Shivers run through me. I want to be with him like that again, him devouring me then rising up and driving into me with his thick, hard cock. It’s been so long since I’ve let a man possess me so completely.

“Keep thinking like that, and we aren’t having dinner after all,” he warns me, grazing my knuckles with his teeth.

“Blame yourself for being too sexy.”

He gives me a light grin. “Too sexy, am I?”

“I see I’m inflating your head.”

“Oh, you have nooooo idea.”

I reach for the door, but Lucas is faster. He pulls it open and escorts me in. The entryway is elegantly appointed with a minimalist Japanese-style flower arrangement: a few maple branches framing a single, large autumn bloom.

The hostess is a young Japanese woman in a beautiful deep-pink kimono. The skirt portion has intricate patterns of bright yellow butterflies and red and purple flowers. She bows precisely, her movements neither slow nor fast, then welcomes us in a professionally girlish voice. “Irasshaimase.”

Lucas gives her his name, and she says, “Hai,” with an “I’m thrilled to be serving you today” smile and takes his jacket. Another young woman in a beautiful kimono, this one crystal blue, comes out and takes us to our table.

As we walk along the corridor, I glimpse other diners through bamboo screens hanging from dark wooden beams. Most of them are decked out in expensive suits and beautiful dresses. Rolexes flash on their wrists, and colorful jewels twinkle on their fingers and ears. One or two might be celebrities I’ve seen on TV.

Our table is in a secluded corner. The bamboo screen gives us an illusion of privacy. On one side is a window that faces an interior courtyard with more rock garden and a pair of miniature maple trees. The leaves are a shade between green and red; behind them, a bamboo fountain gurgles at the opposite end. Small spotlights embedded among the pebbles showcase the various features.

“It’s beautiful,” I say, sitting down as the waitress pulls out a plushy, high-backed chair for me. She’s also in a kimono.

“Glad you like it.” He grins and takes a seat. “I made it clear to the concierge that she had to select a place you’d never forget.”

The waitress serves us warm fragrant tea. She then confirms the sake choices with Lucas and leaves. Everything at the table is perfectly minimalist. The chopsticks are gorgeous, lacquered black with golden fish motifs on the thicker ends, and rest on pale ceramic pieces shaped like crescent moons. A translucent green glass centerpiece holds a huge chrysanthemum in the most vivid shade of yellow.

I rest an elbow on the table and prop my chin in my hand. “You’re taking my comment back in Chiang Mai seriously, aren’t you?”

I don’t have to say more. He shakes his head. “I’m not going to force you to get the most expensive items while being a dick about it. And I apologize. That was uncalled for. But…I want to spoil you. So why don’t you let me?”

“All right. So what are we getting?”


“So it’s going to be a surprise?”

“For both of us. The concierge ordered. My Japanese isn’t good enough to deal with all the details myself.”

I smile wryly at his modest response. “I doubt that. You did some real damage at my school, and if you sounded barely literate, Kouchou-sensei wouldn’t have taken you seriously.”

His forehead wrinkles, his mouth tightening for a moment. “I…hired someone to make the call.” He sighs. “Not exactly proud of that.”

I raise an eyebrow. “I’d hope not.”

“Another thing on the ‘Lucas needs to earn forgiveness’ list?”

If it were anybody else, I’d laugh as though it were a joke…or maybe tell him that yes, he’d have to work his ass off to earn my generous pardon. But Lucas… He is surprisingly vulnerable and sensitive, and I don’t want to do anything to hurt him.

I reach over and take his hand in both of mine. “There’s no list, Lucas.”

The waitress interrupts the moment by placing our first course on the table—finely cut slices of various fish with miso sauce for dipping. The plates are stunning, with a delicate white glaze that seems to shimmer under the light. Warmed plum sake provides a perfect complement.

I have a slice of salmon and sigh, reaching for my drink. The fish is perfectly prepared, the coldness of the meat going well with the heat of the liquor. “This is so good.”

He smiles. “Glad you approve.” He takes a bite thoughtfully. “Just so you know, I hired a crew to come over to your place tomorrow. They’re going to help you pack everything.”

“So fast?”

Tags: Nadia Lee Romance