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“That’s not it. You were really upset at Dad’s place.”

“And you weren’t?”

She’s quiet for a moment. “I don’t want to argue, Lucas. It’s just that…everyone’s counting on you, and I don’t know if that’s healthy. For anyone.”

“Everyone’s counting on everyone. Besides, what about you? You haven’t dated in four years.”

“No need to worry. I have a list of candidates.”

“You’re kidding.” This is news. I thought she’d find a real husband, not some guy to stand in for a year. “Who?”

“None of your business.”

“Well then. You won’t be too upset if I tell you it’s none of your business how I go about meeting the deadline.”

She lowers her voice. “Are you going to marry a Japanese woman?”

I snort. “There are other reasons to travel.”

She sighs. “I saw Faye at the dinner. She came alone.”

The gentle rebuke in Elizabeth’s voice says she expected me to escort Faye. “That’s too bad, but even if she’d asked me, I would’ve bailed.”

“At least our family was represented by Ryder and Elliot. They attended with their wives.”

The muscles in my jaw slacken. “Really?” Ryder and Elliot are the last people to attend charity functions. They prefer to give money, but stay out of the spotlight. Actually that isn’t entirely true. Ryder enjoys the spotlight, but it has to be his spotlight. And he likes his parties wild, with lots of drunk, topless women. Unfortunately Elizabeth disapproves of such delightfully amusing spectacles.

“They seem happier,” she says.

“You met Elliot’s wife?”


“Is she really a stripper?” The sordid background information about Elliot’s wife made a splash not too long ago. And my twin has been on edge, calling to warn me about a mutual acquaintance who also happens to be a royal asshole—Keith Shellington, the embezzler.

“Yes. But before you jump to any conclusions, she’s really lovely. I couldn’t be happier for both of them.”

It makes me think of Ava and her furious reaction to what I said about my family. Given that I have no idea what brought that on and I don’t want to discuss Ava with Faye, Elizabeth is the best source of female insight I have.

“Can I ask you something?”


“Would you be upset if a man you were dating said he didn’t plan to introduce you to his family?” I quickly add, “You really don’t like his family.”

“Well… If I didn’t like the family, I don’t think I’d be that upset about it. Why?” She gasps. “Are you seeing somebody who hates us?”

There is a subtle change in her voice, something I’ve never heard from her. It’s not exactly cowed, and it isn’t disbelief either. The closest thing I can think of is cautious.

I shake my head. What is up with women and their overwrought behavior? “She’s not a psycho or anything. And it’s not you she doesn’t care for.”

“Then who?”


“Oh.” She stays quiet, but that’s my sister. Say nothing if you can’t say anything nice.

“Maybe he was having a bad day,” she finally offers.

Tags: Nadia Lee Romance