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“Why? He’s not my type, and we aren’t that close.”

Yes! The next martini’s on me.

“Fine. But what if Nate’s there?” Marcella says.

Who the hell is Nate? Elizabeth’s crush? The notion that she might be into another guy burns my insides like a dribble of acid.

Damn it. Am I…jealous?

Yes. Yes, I am. I want her to look only at me, reserve her smile only for me.

It’s stupidly primitive—probably totally inappropriate, too—but I don’t give a damn. I feel what I feel.

Elizabeth snorts, then picks up the fresh martini I placed on the counter in front of her. “I’m going to finish my drink, enjoy a lazy evening, and go home. You girls have a wild night with the Sterling boys.”

“No!” Marcella grabs Elizabeth’s arm, almost causing her to spill her drink. “Come with us! You have to!”

Chapter Three


“I have to?” Marcella can be so annoying. “Says who?”

“Well, everyone! Everyone knows he’s the one for you, and—”

“Not everyone. And don’t make me spill my drink.” I transfer my martini to the other hand and start sipping it. “Nate can be your backup-backup plan.”

If only Nate knew what we’re saying about him. He’d clutch his chest, then collapse dramatically. And then he’d promptly tell Marcella to fuck off.

Marcella pouts.

“Better hurry. Justin might get tired of waiting,” I say.

“Fine.” Marcella spins around and leaves with Vanessa.

Finally. I smile inwardly. Now I can observe the bartender without having to split my attention. As much as I love my cousin and friend, I want to take the time to watch Mr. Absurd.

He moves with ease behind the counter, serving beers and making cocktails. I love competence in guys. It’s sexy. And in Mr. Absurd, it’s even more so.

Then there’s his voice. It isn’t even trying to be seductive—I know when a guy is trying. His voice doesn’t change from one moment to next, depending on who he’s talking to. It’s just naturally deep, resonant and calm.

And he gives the evil eye to some drunken guys heading my way, for which I’m grateful. Intoxicated male egos are the worst.

I ask for another martini.

“That all you’re drinking?” Mr. Absurd asks.

“It’s classic and doesn’t disappoint.” I cock my head. “Why? You have something better?”

“How about an apple mojito?”

“Apple?” I consider, a slight smile on my lips. I like the way he grins at me as he tosses out the suggestion. “Don’t think I’ve ever had one.”

“It’s not really a classic…but still good. If you don’t like it, you don’t have to pay.”

My smile widens. He knows how to seal a deal. “Okay.”

He makes the mojito and places it in front of me. I take a sip. It’s as great as the mojitos my cousin Mark made, but the crisp flavor of apple really enhances it. “It’s excellent.”

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance