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“Awesome.” She grins.

My mind says I’m missing something small but important, warns I needed to figure out what that is…this instant. But she shifts, straddling me and cradling my cock in the sweet spot between her legs. “Now, for good luck…”

She catches my face between her palms and kisses me. I open my mouth, licking at her tongue.

And I can’t understand why I should stop to find out what that small thing is.

Chapter Ten


Sixty-seven minutes. That’s how long my sister’s been staring at nothing, even though she has a math textbook spread out on the dining table.

“Earth to Kristen,” I say dryly, waving a hand in front of her eyes.

She starts, then looks up. “What?”

“I asked you if you wanted the leftover pasta for dinner three times now.”

“Oh.” She sighs, then glances at the TV, which is currently turned off. She kicks her backpack halfheartedly, then sighs again.

“What’s wrong?”


Yeah, right. She’s been sighing ever since she came back from school. A subtle teen, she is not. “You’re a terrible liar. Come on.”

“Diego asked me to the prom.”

I’m about to say, “That’s great,” then catch myself. Maybe she doesn’t like Diego. Or he’s a creep. So instead, I say, “And…?”

“I don’t know. I don’t think I want to go.”

What the hell kind of response is that? “Why not?” If Diego’s a pervy asshole, I’m going to do something brotherly and protective. Like beat the shit out of him until he’ll never even think of asking her out again.

“Nothing.” Kristen sighs again.

Just then Liza walks in, her step bouncy. She looks delicious in a bright purple sundress and heels. We’ve been together for three months, and she now spends more time at my place than hers.

We exchange a quick kiss. I want more…but my sister’s watching.

Kristen gazes up at Liza like she’s an angel who’s come down to save her. “Thank God. Hi!”

“Hi.” Liza’s eyes dart back and forth between me and Kristen. “What’s going on?”

“Kristen doesn’t want to go to the prom,” I say. “She already has a date, by the way.”

“Why not? What’s wrong with him?”

“Nothing,” Kristen mumbles miserably.

After studying my sister for a moment, Liza taps a corner of her mouth. “When’s your prom?”

“Next month. Not a lot of time left for shopping. All the good stuff is taken.” A shrug. “You know.”

“Hmm. You’re right.”

Kristen’s voice grows smaller. “I know. I’m always right.”

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance