Page 55 of Redemption in Love

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“Can’t even walk straight.” She shook her head. “What are you doing here? Don’t you have to work?”

“Nope. I sent some instructions to L.A. and followed you out. They can handle it without me for a few days.”

She gave him a mock-frown. “What happened to my husband?”

“Believe it or not, he’s taking a vacation.”

“But you never let your firm run without you.”

He sighed, forcing himself to relax. “It’s not easy, leaving others in charge.”

“You worried?” she asked, surprised. Gavin’s firm only hired the best.

“No. I trust them, but it still bugs me.”

“Control freak,” she teased.

“Yup.” He put an arm around her waist. “Who were you talking to?”

“Pete. He said photos of us in front of Samantha’s office got posted on Facebook.”

Gavin swore. “Who the hell…?”

“Some busybody.” She wrinkled her nose. “How did they function before social media?”

“Email and phone calls.”

“I hate it that just anyone can snap a photo with their phone now.”

“Except my mother.” Stella was terrible with technology. On the other hand, it seemed like gossips were always the first to master any technology that enabled them to spread the latest news far and wide.

“You think the photos are going to be plastered all over the Internet?” Anxiety tightened her voice.

Gavin shook his head. “Not if it’s who I think it is.” There were four strong suspects, all of whom were unfortunately untouchable, due to their family connections and wealth. The hell of it was that they could be discreet when the occasion called for it. Apparently, his marital issues were not in the “discretion required” category. “Most of the gossips I know are snobs. They only share their juicy bits with people they deem worthy of their friendship, and fortunately that doesn’t include reporters and bloggers.”

“That’s a relief,” Amandine said with a sigh.

Still… Damn it. This was not how his family should find out about the problem between him and Amandine.

Gavin thought quickly. Jacob was probably too busy running around with his stripper to check his Facebook profile. Ethan rarely used Facebook and probably didn’t even remember his password anymore. Meredith… Well, that would depend on whether her son was friends with any of those nosy old ladies.

There was a gentle touch on his arm. His wife looked up at him, her eyes bright and serious at the same time. ?

?Gavin, don’t worry about it. Someone was bound to find out.”

“It’s a private matter.”

“We haven’t filed anything.”

His mood lightened. “We’ll prove them wrong.”

She nodded. “For four months at least.”

And just like that his good mood vanished. “It’d be nice if you could at least act like you want our marriage to work.”

“I want it to work, but it’s not up to me.”

His lips thinned. She’d asked for a divorce to show her displeasure over his missing the anniversary dinner and losing his wedding band. Women never said or did anything directly, and it was always up to men to decipher the hidden meaning behind everything. He should’ve expected her to deflect the matter this way.

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance