Page 35 of Redemption in Love

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“He might be different with his own kid,” Amandine began, thinking out loud. “His family really

is big on children, and he loves them. Every one of the Lloyds adores Meredith’s son, and she had him out of wedlock.”

“Was there a scandal or something?”

“I think it was semi-scandalous.”

“Hmm.” Brooke’s middle finger tapped the table. “Meredith is the youngest, plus she’s the only girl…so Gavin and the others probably protected her. You know how things are with a baby sister.”

“I don’t know if it’s that.” Meredith was so smart and sophisticated, she didn’t need her older brothers to shield her. “Some of them would’ve liked to kick the guy’s ass for getting their only sister pregnant, but I think that generally they’re just happy that he never came forward to stake a claim and waste their time. None of them treat the kid any different.”

“So why does Gavin think you have to stay married? It’s not like you’re going to flee the country with the kid. You guys live in the same area, so he can stop by when he can. He can send you child support if he feels that responsible. You gotta admit, one thing he’s really good at is throwing money at people.”

“And cars and jets and diamond watches and pearl earrings,” Amandine added, half-glum, half-sarcastic. “Still, I don’t think I can ignore his threat. He wasn’t kidding about fighting for custody, and he’s on a first-name basis with every judge in the area.”

“You need a lawyer. A really good one.”

“I know.”

“Get Samantha Jones.”

Amandine frowned. The name sounded vaguely familiar.

“She’s a divorce attorney to the rich and famous,” Brooke said. “She’ll know exactly what to do to make sure whatever deal you strike with Gavin over the custody issue will be solid.”

“Not sure if I can afford her.”

“Gavin can, and it’s the least he can do. If he wants to convince you to stay, he can start by paying for your lawyer.”

“And there’s something else I want to mention.” Amandine bit her lower lip. “I’m really sorry, but you might not have a job much longer. I can’t continue to pay you.”

“Psshh. Don’t worry about me. I can update my résumé and get a new job. And if that doesn’t work out, I can always join the family flooring business. Sandy said she needed somebody to do record keeping, and I’m good at that.” Brooke hugged Amandine. “You just worry about yourself, okay?”

* * *

On his way home, Gavin glanced at his phone at the new text from Amandine.

I want Samantha Jones. And you can pay her fees.

His mouth twisted into a small wry smile. So she’d been serious about getting a lawyer. Well, she might as well have the best. Samantha was excellent, and he didn’t mind footing the bill if that was what Amandine wanted.

He was willing to put up with the farce to placate her. He knew he’d screwed up, and amends needed to be made. But he had no intention of letting her go.

There would only be one final outcome: Amandine back in his life as his wife and mother to their child.

By the time Gavin arrived home, it was well after ten thirty. No one was around; Luna had been sent home earlier.

He went to the master bedroom. It was strange to come home to a house without Amandine in it. It’d always been a given that she’d be there when he returned.

As he started to undo his cufflinks, a vase with yellow roses on the table showed in his peripheral vision. He usually didn’t notice the flowers in his home. They were everywhere, freshly delivered two or three times a week, and he paid about as much attention to them as he would sand on a beach. But yellow roses were different.

An image of his mother came to him. She’d been standing on her front lawn, surveying the neighborhood, when she suddenly said, “I don’t know why anybody likes them yellow.”


“The roses.” She’d gestured at the bushes in her neighbor’s yard.

“Why not? They’re pretty enough.”

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance