Page 27 of Redemption in Love

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“Doubtful. I don’t think she’ll be working as my assistant much longer.”

The world seemed to freeze for a moment. “Well that’s a shocker. She’s quitting?”

“Not exactly. It’s kind of complicated.”

Aw, shit. He hated it whenever women said, “It’s complicated.” It’d be easier to resurrect the dead than to figure out what made something “complicated” for women.

“Maybe we can talk about it in person later,” Amandine said.

“Okay.” He cleared his throat. “I’ll text you with a date and time.”

“Great. Love you.”

“Love you, too. Good night.”

Pete put his phone back in his pocket and sighed. See? He’d been worried for nothing. Gavin had been testing him, and he’d said the right thing.

But why was Brooke quitting? It better not be because she and Amandine were having issues. He’d adored Brooke since high school. His feelings for her hadn’t subsided even after all those years, but Brooke had never seen him as anything more than her best friend’s little brother. Sadly for him he’d never had anything going for him to make her see him as a man.

Things were different now though. He was older, with a stellar career, money and more confidence. His plans were coming together. All he needed was a little bit more time to make sure everything was ready…but he had to make sure. He knew he’d only get one shot at convincing Brooke.

Whatever situation was brewing between Amandine and Brooke, it had better not ruin his plans to get the woman of his dreams.

* * *

Gavin didn’t get home until after midnight. Poor Thomas. Gavin made a mental note to call for a limo service next time and let his driver go home early. Otherwise Thomas would never get to see his children grow up.

There was still only one light on at home. Guess nobody got the memo his wife was leaving him, so there was no reason to have only one light anymore.

He went inside. Amandine might be sleeping in the bedroom. He might be able to talk her out of the rash decision. If he was lucky, maybe—

What the hell was he thinking? Amandine wouldn’t change her mind because of a post-midnight chat. He needed a plan.

What if Pete’s right? What if you’ve killed her love?

No. That couldn’t possibly be true. Their marriage was still salvageable.

“Gavin,” Luna said the moment he stepped inside the foyer.

“Luna, what are you still doing here?”

“Waiting for you.”

“You could’ve called.”

“Amandine took her things in the afternoon.”

He felt like he’d been kicked in the head. Moved out? Completely? He should’ve run after her at La Mer. No, scratch that. He should’ve never let her go in the first place. “I see.” He pressed his mouth together then forced a smile for the housekeeper’s benefit. “Is that all?”

“No. I found this in the bedroom when I was cleaning.” Luna handed him an envelope.

He glanced down, not recognizing the logo on it. “What is it?”

“I don’t know. But it looked important.”

“Thank you. I’ll take care of it.” He put it in his breast pocket.

Luna shuffled her feet.

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance