Page 105 of Redemption in Love

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Amandine took a seat next to Samantha. “Is Gavin late?” she asked, keeping her unsteady hands under the table.

“He’s not coming,” Craig said.

“What? Why not?” Amandine asked.

“As you both know, he’s quite busy.” Condescension marred what could’ve been a nice smile. “I’ll be representing his interests and wishes.”

But Gavin was supposed to be here. How and when was she going to talk to him?

Apparently oblivious to Amandine’s distress, Samantha linked her fingers together and rested them on the thick document in front of her. “I’ve reviewed everything. It is a fair settlement.”

“You mean generous,” Craig corrected. “It’s far more than what I suggested.”

“She’s pregnant with his child. Half isn’t unreasonable,” Samantha said.

Amandine blinked. “Half of what?”

“His assets,” Samantha clarified.

“Oh my…” Amandine tried to focus, but her vision dimmed, and the room spun. Her chest tightened painfully. Half… Why?

Samantha put a hand on Amandine’s shoulder. “Breathe,” she said. “Breathe. Slowly. Come on.”

Amandine followed instructions until her head cleared. Craig and Samantha were both looking at her with worry. “Do you need me to call your doctor?” Samantha asked.

“No. I’m fine,” Amandine croaked. “I thought we had the prenup.”

“Yes, but it’s what my client wants,” Craig said. “The prenup was there to protect him. He can always give you more. Unless you object?” He stared at Amandine hopefully.

“My client does not object,” Samantha snapped.

He shot her a dirty look. “The money will be held in a trust to ensure your client understands and upholds her end of the deal.” He gestured at the document in front of Samantha.

“I want to see Gavin,” Amandine said. I have to.

“I’m afraid that’s not possible,” Craig said. “My client does not wish to see you or talk to you.”

Amandine clenched her hands. “That can’t be true!”

“It is.”

“How can he give me ten billion dollars and say he doesn’t want to see or talk to me at all?” Did he hate her that much now?

“I don’t know. I don’t presume to read my client’s mind, and I didn’t ask,” Craig said blandly. “Once the child is born, it’ll stay with you at the house he bought for you. He will have unlimited visitation rights, so the child can have an opportunity to bond with the father. But if you make any attempt to see or talk to my client directly, the alimony stops, and the ten billion dollars in the trust will revert back to my client. Your brother will be let go from the firm.”

“What? Gavin doesn’t want to fight for the baby?”

Craig shrugged. “Apparently, he believes it’s beneath him.”

No. Gavin wasn’t the type to walk away from a fight if he really wanted something, she thought with sudden clarity. He just didn’t think she—or the baby they’d created together—was worth fighting for anymore.

Craig smiled, his demeanor softening a bit. “Look, this is a great deal. You should take it.”

Amandine processed the offer, but couldn’t understand what Gavin was doing. He didn’t want her, so why was he paying her so much? He was usually generous with money, but this was over the top. And why was he threatening Pete’s job? She remembered how much Pete wanted to stay in Los Angeles. She didn’t want to be responsible for his having to relocate.

“If you’ll sign the papers, I can file with the court,” Craig said.

“It’s very good. I advise you to take it,” Samantha whispered to Amandine.

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance