Page 5 of Reunited in Love

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“Ha. I can barely remember Newton’s Three Laws. Anyway, I’m sure you’re busy. Thanks for taking the time to come get me.”

“Oh no. I’m supposed to make sure you’re settled in.”

“It’s really not necessary.”

“Actually, it really is.”

Kerri stopped arguing. The determined look in his eyes said he’d do as he pleased. He’d leave faster if she just went along for the moment.

The elevator ride to the suite seemed interminable. His subtle cologne was stronger in the close quarters, and her skin prickled with hypersensitivity. She could feel his gaze on her, speculative with unfathomable intent. She licked her lips as the elevator opened with a chime.

What did Ethan want? Surely he didn’t think he really needed to help her find her suite. It wasn’t like she’d get lost.

She turned around to face him in front of her room. “Again, thank you, Ethan.”

“My pleasure. Just so you know, Natalie’s been delayed in Italy, so she won’t be back until the day after tomorrow.” He pulled out a business card and jotted something on the back. “My cell, in case you need anything. And I’m leaving the BMW for you. Impossible to get around here without a car.”

“I can just get a ren—”

He kissed her. Nothing passionate, nothing demanding. He didn’t even try to press his tongue past her lips. It was just a peck, but somehow it was enough to make her tremble with unfulfilled longing.

Her knees weakened. She leaned against the door. What was it about this man that made her lose all her common sense and control?

“See you in a bit, Kerri.” He walked away with a careless wave. “I’ll pick you up for dinner later in the evening. Say seven?”

It wasn’t even a question from the way he spoke. He acted as though she’d acquiesced.

And from the way half-dread, half-anticipation flooded her, she knew she had.


Ethan applied more pressure on the gas, driving a bit faster than usual. The Aston Martin sped away from the hotel.

Despite his pleasure at this unexpected second chance with a woman he’d thought he’d never see again, a small bit of disappointment permeated his mood. Jacqueline Wilson had never existed. No. It was Kerri Wilson. No wonder he hadn’t been able to find her. But why had she lied about her name?

He remembered her, the violinist from a quartet at a friend’s baby christening party. Her hair had been strawberry blonde then, her eyes full of an odd envy and sorrow as she’d looked at the infant boy surrounded by happy attendees.

And she’d slept with him—her body incredibly willing and responsive—then walked out in the middle of the night while he slumbered in post-coital bliss. Just disappeared, like fog before the sun.

His instincts had screamed at him to go after her, but circumstances had conspired against him. There was a month-long business trip, scheduled almost a year in advance, unbreakable…but she wasn’t going anywhere, he’d reassured himself. He’d even given her his number via a friend, certain she’d contact him once she’d had a chance to think things through.

“She’ll call you back,” his friend had said, rather smugly, a few days later over the phone. “I made sure.”

“How’d you manage that?”

“Told her you were loaded, of course. The girl works like crazy. Her coworkers say she doesn’t ever go out, always scrimping for money. Sounds like she could use a sugar daddy.”

Ethan had cringed. If she called, he’d always wonder if it was for the possibility of landing a rich boyfriend. If she didn’t… Maybe his friend’s insinuation had insulted her. If he’d been in her shoes, he would’ve been furious.

Either way, he was screwed.

To his mingled disappointment and relief, she hadn’t called.

If his old college buddy Frank hadn’t been such an idiot, would things have been different?

When he’d returned from his trip and tried to look her up, she’d disappeared. Graduated from college and left town—no forwarding address, no number, no email. And no one knew where she’d gone. What could’ve evolved into a relationship became just a one-night stand, and the sense of loss was surprisingly sharp. Ethan had hated the feeling of powerlessness, but he’d accepted it as a lost cause and never expected to see her again.

No, that wasn’t entirely true. He had accepted the situation partly because he was afraid of repeating the mistake he’d made with Lisa. That had cost him a great deal and brought an enormous amount of pain and trouble to his family. It would have been selfish of him to move heaven and earth to find a woman who could be another Lisa.

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance