Page 40 of Reunited in Love

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He pulled their robes off and stepped into the glass cube with shiny double showerheads. A deft twist of the gold and chrome handle, and perfectly warm water sprayed over them. He held her close and slowly rubbed their bodies against each other, full contact from chest to knees. A soft sigh escaped her parted lips as she savored the gentle friction between them. His pinky finger brushed the entrance to her pussy, and his eyes darkened. “You’re wet for me.”

“Yes,” she murmured. She waited for a sense of shame, but instead came desire and the satisfaction of knowing that it was her with him, and that it was his hard erection prodding her belly. She took it in hand, rubbing the plump head with her thumb.

He moaned. “Do that again.”

She did, with a little bit more pressure. His precum slicked her flesh, and she moved her hand slowly up and down along the thick length of him.

She studied him in the light of the day. Previously it’d been too dark or he’d been in charge. But this time, she planned to take her time.

He was thick enough that she couldn’t fully wrap her hand around him. Long enough that when he thrust into her, she felt like he could reach all the way to her heart. Dark blue-purple veins ran along the shaft, pulsing as she ran her fingers along the intriguing lines they created. He hissed out a breath but otherwise held still, giving silent consent to her ministrations.

She gripped him harder, trying to absorb his certainty about his place in the world. She wanted to be as sure as he was, as fearless and confident. She wanted to feel that she deserved the good things that happened to her, to feel that she mattered.

Her arms wrapped around his neck. He pushed her up against the slick ceramic tile walls. His mouth pressed against the juncture of her neck and shoulder, his breath hot and urgent.

Her legs went around him, and she moved until she was poised over his pulsing erection, wanting to take in a bit of his confidence and pride.

She took him inside her in one slick downward motion of her hips. He parted her, filled her until she thought she’d burst, then started pumping in and out, his hands tight around her ass. She loved his strength, the powerful movements that brought her so much pleasure she nearly wept.

He pulled out at the last moment, spilling his seed over her belly as she convulsed in his arms. His rough breathing on her neck made her shiver. She held him tightly, waiting for her legs to stop quivering.

Ethan sighed, shook his head in mock despair. “No condom.”

“Very irresponsible,” she murmured. “Very, very bad.” She should be shocked and dismayed at the admission. She was never irresponsible, never impulsive. Girls l

ike that didn’t get approval. But right now, she felt too good to care. Besides, she wasn’t with Ethan for his approval or love. She was with him because this was what she wanted.

“I’m flattered,” he said. “Still, I guess this is the time to talk about, uh—”

She had the most absurd urge to giggle. They’d been doing the wild thing for weeks, and he wanted to talk about this now, when their arrangement was coming to an end? “Clean bill of health. You?”

“Yes. But let’s not repeat it again. I don’t suppose you’re on the pill?”

She shook her head. “High blood pressure.” Her doctor’s attitude had been that the man could use a condom if he wanted her badly enough. “And the timing’s off. So no worries, I guess.”

Ethan nodded without commenting on her little slip about her blood pressure. She wasn’t sure why she’d felt the need to make him understand. It wasn’t like this was a relationship with real long-term potential.

His hands gentle, he washed her. She returned the favor, running her soapy hands down the hard slabs of muscles on his chest, shoulders and arms.

Afterward, they stepped out of the bathroom and walked to the bedroom, Kerri in front of Ethan. As they passed the bed she stopped short and went up on tiptoe, causing him to bump into her from behind. She wriggled her bottom against his cock. It hardened, and she looked at him over a shoulder. “Mmm. How on earth will you manage to have a productive day? You’re so tense.”

“True,” he murmured, his eyes wicked. “And since you’re the source of the tension, I think you should help me relax.” He picked her up and tossed her onto the bed, face down, the sheet shockingly cool against her skin. He covered her, the weight of his chest on her back.

“Ahhh,” she sighed into the mattress. “Yes.”


When Kerri opened her eyes, she was alone in bed. It was barely one. She yawned and stretched, a little surprised at herself. She didn’t normally nap. On the other hand, she didn’t normally have orgasms for breakfast.

She went to her room, put on a black shirt and dark jeans, and then sat on the bed. How in the world did people without jobs fill their time? She picked up her tablet and checked the news. Her fingers paused on the glassy touch screen when photos of Ethan and his date from the charity function showed up.

Elizabeth Pryce-Reed.

She’d grown into a gorgeous woman. Kerri remembered going to school with her one semester. There had been a fatal skiing accident in the area and Barron had pulled her out quickly, but Elizabeth had been sweet to Kerri, who had been new and awkward. If Ethan had to go to high society events with someone, it might as well have been her.

Elizabeth was suitable for someone like Ethan. She didn’t have a controlling family, odd dietary requirements or other crazy issues that required her to hide out and travel incognito to be free of her family’s influence. Instead she dedicated most of her time to charity and civic causes.

Kerri dropped the tablet on the bed. She wanted to hate the other woman, but she couldn’t. It wasn’t Elizabeth’s fault Barron was only capable of relating in ways that were based on controlling others.

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance