Page 36 of Reunited in Love

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She gave him a penetrating look. “Natalie isn’t the one who’s making you grouchy, although I’m sure it’s a woman. You have that look men get when their relationships aren’t going the way they want. Like you’ve got indigestion or something.”

Despite everything he laughed. “Do I?”

“Uh huh. So what’s the problem? Too clingy? I know how you hate scenes.”

“No…no, not at all clingy.” He wished Kerri were clingy. Then everything would’ve been easier.

“Well, whatever it is I’m sure you’ll be a

ble to figure it out. And remember” —she put a hand on his sleeve, the gesture friendly and reassuring— “no matter what happens, things always work out.”

“Thanks. You’re a doll.”

“True. Now, are you going to take me out on the dance floor, or am I going have to bat my eyes at some poor defenseless man?”


By the time Ethan got back to the penthouse it was past two in the morning. He’d left the ball as quickly as decently possible, but everyone had seemed bent on getting in his way, wanting to inquire about his family—probably to sniff out how things were going on the Jacob front—talk about a potential business deal or get his opinion about something. Navigating the crowd had felt like he was wading through a kind of social molasses. And then he’d had to go 15 miles in the opposite direction to drop Elizabeth off.

He figured Kerri would be asleep in bed, but she was in the study, her head resting on the desk, laptop open and her screen-saver showing cards falling in slow motion.

He sighed. He should’ve left her some movies. Or maybe made an appointment at a spa. Or better yet, locked her laptop in his car.

He put one arm around her back, the other under her knees and lifted her easily out of the chair. Her eyes still closed, she burrowed her head into the nook between his neck and shoulder like she knew exactly where she belonged.

“Hey,” she murmured, her voice slurred with sleep.

“Hey,” he whispered back. “Let’s take you to bed.” He started walking in the direction of his bedroom.

“M’kay.” She said something else that he didn’t catch.


She roused herself a bit. “I said, I sent you an email.”

“You did?” He hadn’t checked his account.

“Yeah. Gonna be unhapp’ when you see it, but I checked ev’rythin’ twice.”

“Why?” he asked, keeping his voice casual. What had she found?

She mumbled something into his shirt.


She blinked up at him. “You wan’ talk about it now? I don’t mind.”

“No. Work can wait.”

She nodded. “’Kay.”

Her delicate presence in his arms gave him a small comfort. She smelled amazing, ripe apple and drowsy woman. He cherished the way she burrowed into him, so trusting.

He placed her on the bed in the master bedroom suite, where she curled up on her side. He should let her sleep, but he wanted to touch her, make her shudder in passion and bury himself deeply into her. If they’d gone to the ball together, maybe he wouldn’t feel this urgent need to reaffirm their connection, but right then, it seemed paramount that he remind her of their crazy chemistry and emotional ties.

Quickly, he undressed and tossed his clothes over a plushy reading chair. He climbed in next to her, nude, then lightly massaged the back of her ears and the sensitive spot where her neck met her collarbone. She sighed, then turned fully toward him, her eyes still closed but her body knowing exactly what it wanted.

His lips traced the beautiful curves of her body, while his hands worked at getting rid of her clothes. She was so warm and sweet he ached with emotions he couldn’t name.

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance