Page 31 of Reunited in Love

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The documents that the company’s executive team had sent to the shareholders—the family—indicated TLD was making healthy profits with a strong cash flow. It paid out generous dividends to everyone on a quarterly basis as well.

But the more she dug, the more inconsistencies she found. Jacob had omitted numerous material facts from the reports to paint a rosier picture for everyone. He’d only been able to get away with it for so long because the company was privately held and his family trusted him.

Her cousin had accused Jacob of being an incompetent jackass, but she didn’t want to fling any accusations at Ethan’s older brother until she was absolutely certain.

Her email program beeped.

Speak of the devil. An email from Justin appeared on the top of her inbox.

Hey beautiful, I’m going to be in the neighborhood tomorrow for some business and a charity function. Barron’s coming too, but I can get away for an afternoon. Wanna meet for coffee? My treat.

She replied: Handsome as you are, it’s too short notice. I’m a busy working woman, remember?

A few minutes later, he responded: Tell the enemy to give you an hour off. You said it wasn’t the IRS, so they have to be semi-reasonable.

She sighed and typed: I’d love to catch up, but I already made plans. Really can’t cancel.

She’d promised Ethan to go out for lunch and a matinée, and since she had no friends or family in the area, a cancellation would look odd. Except Natalie, of course, but she wasn’t due back until next week. “Working honeymoon,” indeed. And people accused Kerri of being a workaholic.

Justin responded: Okay. Maybe next time.

So long as he came without Barron and the others and scheduled everything ahead of time so she would be free. There was no way she could take Ethan to see Justin. They’d recognize each other on the spot. The social circles they moved in were more incestuous than an ancient Egyptian imperial family.

And for tomorrow’s lunch she’d have to choose something very middle class, the kind of establishment her family would never go to. Maybe something like an Applebee’s would be a good choice.


She jerked her head up. “Huh?”

“You were frowning,” Ethan said.

“Oh. No. Just trying to read a small font.” She forced a little smile. “Everything’s fine.”


Everything was definitely not fine.

Ethan had made a reservation at Morton’s, one of his favorite steakhouses. He’d checked the lunch menu to make sure it had something nutritious and low-fat for Kerri since she was watching her cholesterol.

“I’m kind of not in the mood for steak,” Kerri said.

“They have great salads with lean beef. You’ll be fine.”

She looked down at herself. “And I’m not dressed for a place like Morton’s.”

Ethan studied her outfit. She had on a sleeveless apricot and cream-colored A-line dress with a gently pleated skirt that swirled around her knees. A matching jacket was draped over her arm and her bright copper hair was pulled into a high ponytail. “You look fabulous. No restaurant’s going to turn you away for wearing that.”


??I really prefer Applebee’s or something.” When he merely stared at her, she added, “Maybe McDonald’s.”

“I thought you wanted to eat healthy.”

“I do. McDonald’s has a salad.”

“So does Morton’s, and theirs is better.”

“I’d really feel more comfortable at Applebee’s or McDonald’s.”

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance