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“Classier than trash bags,” she says. “How come Nate isn’t hiring movers for you?”

“I vetoed the idea. I don’t have that much stuff, anyway.”

She nods as she parks her car in the apartment lot. “That’s true.” She takes the boxes from the back. “I’ll be carrying them. You’re pregnant.”

I roll my eyes. “Pregnant, not crippled.”

“I’m racking up points with Nate in case I ever need a favor from him.”

“If you ever need a favor, you can just ask me.” I know she’ll never do it unless it’s a matter of life and death. Besides, her boss is the more likely choice for her to turn to. Salazar Pryce is just as powerful as Nate, and he’s supposed to be pretty mean when the situation requires it.

As we walk along the hall to get to our unit, a black cat trots toward her. It’s a gorgeous animal, the fur sleek and glossy. Aside from a crown-shaped white mark on its forehead, it’s as black as the back of a penguin.

“Hello, Princess,” Kim says with the kind of warm, sweet smile a man would give up a kidney for.

“Princess?” I ask, watching the cat mewl and wrap itself around Kim’s leg.

“Yeah. A new cat from next door.”

“She seems so friendly.” I crouch to pet Princess. She lets me scratch her behind an ear, and as I do so, her eyes turn to blissful slits. So adorable! I always wanted a pet, but Mom and I could never afford one.

“She’s a great cat. The name could’ve been better, though.”


“She has a crown.” Kim points at the white mark. “She should’ve been named Queen.”

The cat mewls as though it totally agrees with Kim.

“I know,” Kim coos. “It’s just a total lack of imagination, isn’t it?” She turns to me. “Princess, indeed.”

I feel like there’s a story somewhere here. Maybe somebody called Kim a princess or something.

Kim unlocks and opens the door to our unit. A light brown furball shoots out, tail wagging. I gasp and take a step back in surprise. It’s not really a furball. More like a furry cannonball. The breed is one hundred percent indeterminable. The face is slightly foxy, the tongue hanging out of its mouth in a doggy smile. The tail sort of looks like a golden retriever’s, but the fur around its head is a bit odd. I can’t place it, even though it’s somehow familiar.

Kim moves inside, backing the dog into the apartment. I follow her in.

She bends down and rubs his head. “Hey, Champ, you good boy! Did you miss Mommy?”

Mommy? I stare, stunned. She never said anything about getting a dog.

He licks her hands and cheeks, not caring about eating her makeup.

“Wow. You got a dog?”

“Well, I do now.”

“I’ve been replaced,” I joke, even though it hits me suddenly that a chapter in my life is closing, and a new one is starting. A tinge of nerves entwine around excitement. I can’t believe that I’m not only married to one of the most eligible bachelors in the country, but with his child.

She laughs. “Don’t be silly. Nobody can replace you. But he keeps me company.”

“What is this?” I ask, gesturing at the dog.

“Champ.” She lets him lick her fingers, then pulls back to dump the boxes on the dining table.

“Yeah, but what is he?”

“A mix of many things, including golden retriever and Pomeranian.”

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance