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“And you haven’t had the date yet,” Barron states.

“No.” Nate steals another glance in my direction. “The fact is we didn’t plan to.”

Yes. Exactly. The whole thing was over and done with the moment I saved my boss from his mink-bikini-wearing stalker maniac.

“Well, change your plans. Follow through on that date, and make sure you appear together in public, where people will see you.” There’s a tone of hard-edged command that makes me shiver.

“Barron, we—”

“I trust it’ll be taken care of by Monday.” Barron doesn’t bother to add “or else.”

The line dies.

Chapter Twelve


Evie is stunned into speechlessness. I’m pretty stunned, too, even though I manage to get us to the office without having an accident. I didn’t realize Elizabeth’s foundation has been under attack. Shit. She’s a good friend, and I should’ve been more aware, especially since I’m at least partially responsible.

But who the hell is attacking her? Although it isn’t what Barron asked for, I should have Ken sue every single one of those fucking tabloid scribblers.

I cut through the Sterling & Wilson lobby, my strides eating up the ground. Evie has to trot to keep up, her trusty tablet held tightly to her chest like a shield. I don’t blame her. Everyone feels this way after dealing with Barron. Even I’m not one hundred percent immune, and I grew up around him.

“Ms. Parker, see what Ken’s schedule looks like today.”

“Yes, Mr. Sterling.” She nods and immediately starts working at her station once we arrive at my office.

The second I’m seated at my desk, I call Elizabeth. “I hear you’re having problems,” I say when she picks up. “You should’ve said something.”

“Well, hi. Thomas was a little fussy last night, but I didn’t realize you were so interested.”

I grind my teeth. It’s so like her to act strong and unperturbed, no matter what happens. As much as I admire that quality, right now, it’s really irritating. “You know what I mean.”

“Actually, no. You have to be more specific.”

“People are saying shit about the auction.”

“Oh, that?” She laughs softly. “Amusing, isn’t it?”

“You’re amused?” Is she deliberately doing this to make me feel silly for being this upset on her behalf?

“It’s just people who lost out on their bidding being petty. It’ll blow over.”

“But it’s your family’s reputation.” And as dysfunctional as her family can be, they take their reputation seriously.

“Nate, if I got worked up every time somebody said something about me or the causes we champion, I’d never get anything done.”

“But nobody says shit about you!”

“Not openly, but that doesn’t mean they don’t say it. Trust me. I hear things.”

Or maybe it’s her assistant who hears shit and passes it on. That man is an unfeeling freak. “Okay, well, don’t worry. Barron’s on it, and so am I.”

“Barron really shouldn’t bother himself,” she says mildly. “He should enjoy his retirement.”

I snort. “He’s never going to really retire. I bet he gets reports on how each little part of his empire is doing every morning, so he can read them over with his Earl Grey and sugar cookies.” And if he didn’t, I’d be worried and send a doctor to check him over.

“Be that as it may, please don’t feel that you have to do something. It’s my problem, and I can fix it. But thanks for your support anyway.” Her voice is warm and full of sweetness.

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance