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“Because I’m going to do an unannounced one next week.” I grin. “They’ll never see it coming.”

Evie laughs. The sound is lovely and makes me happy. She’s so pretty when she laughs, and all I can think about is kissing her. Except that’s totally, one hundred percent inappropriate, because she’s never once given me the slightest hint that she’s interested, and I can’t afford to lose an assistant this good over a kiss that won’t go anywhere.

If she were some other, shallower woman, my ego might be dented a little. But it isn’t even that. I wonder if I need to be a better person for her to like me. She hasn’t shown any indication she’s impressed with my money or my connections or my influence. But the problem with being a better person is that I don’t know how. I am what I am, and I’m afraid I met her too late to change.

“Should we get going, Mr. Sterling?” she asks.

“I suppose we should, Ms. Parker.”

We walk into the clinic together. It isn’t luxurious, but it isn’t spartan, either. Pleasant is how I’d describe it—pale plastic seats, clean linoleum floor, pale green walls, classical music on low volume and countless posters promoting ways to stay healthy on a budget. Everything is designed to be easy to clean and disinfect and, most important, to soothe. Just because it serves people who can’t pay doesn’t mean it’s going to look cheap and pathetic.

The director is already in the lobby. Robbie Choi, in his early forties, gone prematurely gray. I put him in charge after half a year or so because I didn’t have the time to manage it myself anymore. I wish he’d go back to whatever’s more urgent—I’m sure he has a lot on his agenda—because I don’t need him to babysit me as I look around. But I know he won’t. I’ve already received reports, and my auditors are in the middle of checking the finances. Everything appears proper as far as the paperwork goes. I just need to see things for myself.

“Nate, it’s so good to have you here,” he says. “Hello, Evie.”

“Hi, Robbie.”

Fuck me. Robbie? And with a smile?

But I can’t fire Robbie. He’s good at his job.

I give him a miniscule smile. “It’s good to see you, too.” We shake hands. “I already reviewed the reports you sent. Everything looks good.”

He beams. “I’m happy to hear that. There’s something—”

“Oh my God! You’re finally here! I was dying waiting for you.”

A woman I’ve never seen before rushes toward us, her arms spread wide. She’s practically naked, her wild black mane flying around like some dark miasma as she comes on in a tottering, breast-quivering run on ridiculous stilettos. And is that a…fur bikini that she’s wearing?

Clearly, she’s in the wrong hospital. The Sterling Medical Center does not have a psychiatric ward.

I’m about to tell her so when she hugs me, her limbs wrapping me up like tentacles. “Nate! I missed you so much!”

Chapter Two


An internal alarm goes off as goosebumps break over my skin. I couldn’t tell by looking at that hideous, flour-white Frankenface. I mean, it’s obvious she’s had a few too many plastic surgeries. But up close, that whiny, high-pitched voice is unmistakable.

Georgette the Psycho.

An ex-girlfriend. We broke up a year ago. She’s a social climber whose family isn’t anywhere close to poor. They have hundreds of millions of dollars in their coffers. But she wants more.

The Sterling fortune more.

“Georgette, what are you doing here?” I ask, desperately trying to unpeel her arms. I can feel Evie’s gaze on us, and damn it, I don’t need this spectacle.

“I missed you so much.” She looks up, fluttering her fake lashes. “Did you miss me?”

As much as dysentery. “Aren’t you supposed to be in rehab? And what is that you wearing?”

“Do you like it? It’s mink!” she squeals. “I ordered it special from Moscow, thinking of you.”

What the hell? I inspire mink bikinis now?

“And rehab is all finished.” She clutches me tighter. “Nate, darling, I want you to know I’m clean now. I got clean for you. To be worthy of you!”

Oh boy. Maybe she didn’t get the memo last year when I dumped her after she pulled a crazy fake-pregnancy stunt. Absolutely nothing this woman does is going to make her worth my time or energy. I mean, she thinks I like mink bikinis.

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance