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“Tell me the truth. What’s that about?”

Dad looks at me, and slowly his eyes change. “Well, you read it. What do you think?”

I don’t know what to think. Does he owe money to some nasty people who might hurt him if he can’t pay it back? Or is it something else? But how could it be? I can’t seem to process anything right now. “Mom said… She said you’re a good guy. She told me so just yesterday.”

His eyes turning heavenward, he heaves a huge sigh. “Mari could never just admit it when she screwed up. Never. She has to hide the truth, make excuses. She knew everything. She knew she made a mistake with me, but didn’t want to tell you the truth. Probably too embarrassed. I’ll tell you, she’s sure got a lot of pride for such a pathetic girl. Always did. It was easy to manipulate her. All you had to do was poke it.”


“But what? You thought your mom was perfect? That she’d never lie to you? People always lie.” He tilts his chin. “Even your knight in sterling armor Nate isn’t entirely innocent.”

My palms are slick with sweat. I look around the Starbucks in search of Nate, and see he’s outside with Georgette and a couple of baristas, blocking the door so she can’t get back inside. He’s defending me, shielding me from that lunatic woman. How could he be anything like what Dad is saying?

Still, I feel slightly queasy, and it has nothing to do with morning sickness.

“He came by earlier today to threaten me. Told me he wasn’t going to give me anything, and that I’d leave town if I knew what was good for me. He even said he’d sic the cops on me, which he could easily do. He has the money. The power. They’ll do whatever he asks,” Dad says bitterly. “He knew what I wanted from the beginning. Men like him always know.” He looks at me. “Guess he didn’t tell you that, huh?”

“No,” I rasp, realizing that Nate lied about why he took personal time off after lunch. It wasn’t to get chocolate and flowers. Why didn’t he just tell me the truth?

“You see, everyone lies when it’s convenient. Or maybe he doesn’t think you need to know. Or maybe he was going to use it against you.”

Against me?

“How easy will it be to take the kid away from you when you come from a seed like me? Maybe he’ll claim your background makes you an unfit mom. He might have the money, but not all judges are kind to daddies. They still love moms more. He must love that kid in your belly. Doesn’t he?”

What Kim said pops into my mind. Kids are precious in Nate’s family because Barron lost two grandsons when they were young.

“Just because he fucks you at night and sleeps next to you doesn’t mean anything. I did the same with your mom. And look how that turned out. The difference between me and him is I couldn’t make her do what I wanted, and I didn’t want her brat.”

It’s a good thing I’m sitting down, because my knees are trembling. Are we having an earthquake? It sure as hell feels like the entire foundation of my life is shaking underneath my feet.

“Anyway. Tell your husband I’m leaving, just like he wants me to. But make sure to let him know it would’ve been easier and cheaper if he’d just coughed up a couple hundred grand.”

Dad puts the phone in his pocket and leaves.

I stare at nothing. Then finally I stand, toss the tea in the garbage and walk out onto the sidewalk. The sun from the sky lights on me. I’d never felt this cold in the Los Angeles sun.

Chapter Forty-Six


Fuck. The cops take forever to respond to the call, and by the time they haul Georgette away, Bradley walks out. A nasty smirk is on his face, and I have a bad feeling.

“What happened?” I ask.

“Nothing. I told her I’m leaving. Ask her.” Shrugging, he trots away.

Shit. I should’ve never left him alone with Evie. I wasn’t planning on it, but fucking Georgette…

I start to step into the Starbucks, but Evie comes out, her face pale. “He’s gone,” she says in a wooden voice.

That prick probably didn’t even tell her he loves her. Bastard. I should’ve listened to my gut and never let him talk to her in the first place.

I sigh, guilt pricking at conscience. “I’m sorry to hear that. It’s too bad he had to leave so soon. And I’m so sorry about Georgette. I didn’t know she’d do that. She won’t be a problem anymore. I promise.” I’ll make sure of it.

Evie looks at me, searching as though she’s waiting for something. Since I’m not sure what more I can say, I just smile. Although Court and Yuna made sense, I’m still debating if I should tell everything to Evie. Does she really need me to unload more junk on her after what just happened with Bradley and Georgette? “You know what? Why don’t we go out tonight? Maybe meet my friends? You haven’t met Court and his brother yet, have you? And Yuna also.”

“Is that all?” she asks me, her voice listless.

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance