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Kim also volunteered to off Brockman in gruesome fashion. All I have to do is say the word because she knows a guy who knows a guy.

Mom texted me to be careful, concerned that the notoriety of being Nate’s wife isn’t good for me. I reassured her we’re both fine, and that it’s only bringing us closer.

I get a text from Dad as well, asking me if he can talk to me at a Starbucks near the office. I say okay, since Nate doesn’t have a meeting, and I don’t have anything pressing this afternoon. I’m guessing he read the article and is concerned. That’s sweet of him, but totally unnecessary.

Half an hour later, I tell Nate I’m heading to Starbucks.

“What for?” he asks. “Did we run out of decent tea?”

“Dad wants to chat. I think he saw the article.” I wrinkle my nose.

“Ah, okay. I’ll come with you. Let him know we’re as strong as ever and there’s nothing for him to worry about.”

“If you don’t mind.” I smile. “That’d be great.”

Nate and I walk to the Starbucks together. Dad’s already at a booth with his drink, checking something on his phone. When he sees us, he starts, then waves, placing his phone on the table.

I wave back and grab an iced tea, while Nate gets a shot of espresso.

“Hi, Dad,” I say.

“Hey, sweetheart.” He searches my face. “You look good.”

“I’m fine.” I look at Nate, who sits next to me. “We’re fine.”

Nate gives him a warm smile, and Dad smiles back. “I’m glad to hear that. I saw the article and thought it might have upset you.”

Nate holds my hand on the table and squeezes gently. “Well, Evie and I both know the truth. That’s what matters.”

Dad leans back in his seat, his shoulders lowered. “Wow. Now I feel like a silly old man, panicking over nothing.” He laughs softly.

“Don’t. We just trust each other,” I say, not wanting Dad to feel bad. Any parent would be concerned.

“That’s good,” he says. “Honestly, you can’t have anything if you can’t trust the other person. And I know it’s hard. Especially when he has so much power over you.”

Over me? What an odd choice of words. Nate’s fingers shift a little around mine, but he still seems relaxed. “How do you mean?”

“You know. He’s a wealthy, well-connected, influential man.” Dad’s gaze flicks to Nate. “And you aren’t any of those things. It can be hard to balance that out.”

What he’s saying pokes at one of my old fears. It’s true that such a power imbalance would normally be a little scary…even dangerous. But the faith I have in Nate makes it inconsequential.

“Evie is my wife. Everything I have is hers, including my wealth, connections and influence.” Nate’s voice is as cordial as ever, but I swear there’s a hint of steel underneath. “Everything.”

Dad nods slightly. “I heard things were hard for you in Dillington,” he says, turning toward me.

That’s a sudden change of topic. “Mom told you?”

“Something like that.” He shrugs, looking slightly uncomfortable. “She didn’t want to burden me with old stories, but, you know, when you’ve been away from your child for so long, you want to know everything about her, hoping it will bring you closer.”

“I’m sure.” Nate smiles, then brings my hand to his lips and kisses in a gesture that’s both loving and protective.

“Oh my God! What the fuck!”

I turn, looking up to see the furious face of Georgette. Holy mother of God. What is she doing here? And why does she look like somebody crapped all over her favorite cake?

Nate is sitting between us, and turns in his chair to face her. I look at her over his shoulder. At least she’s dressed like a normal person this time. A Yankees cap is on her head, her T-shirt says, “Bow to This Goddess,” and the jeans are super tight and studded with faux jewels, but for her, it’s a sedate look. Regardless, embarrassment and annoyance mix together, as she’s interrupting our time with Dad.

“Nate, why are you still keeping this ho around?” she demands loudly.

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance