Page 86 of Stealing the Bride

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“I can’t reveal my sources. You know that.”

I pull the phone away from my ear and stare at it. Who the hell does he think he is? A real reporter? I remember the sensational articles about Court’s family. I also remember how he baited Court. A complete asshole.

“Look, I don’t know what kind of dirt you’re digging through, assuming there even is any dirt to dig, but I’m not helping you.”

“Even though your dad blocked you from getting promoted?”

Well, somebody has a mouth the size of Mt. Rushmore. When I find out who, I’ll be doing some serious butt kicking, just on principle. “If I was going to get revenge, I’d sue him for discrimination, instead of partnering with scum like you.”

“Hey, I get it. You want to protect your daddy,” he says. “But does he protect you?”

Something suddenly hits me. “How long have you been working on this lead of yours?”

“A while.”

“Did you go through my phone because you thought I was in on this money-laundering scheme too?” Was he dating me in the first place because of it?

“I don’t know what you mean.” Tom’s sounding entirely too offended.

“Bullshit. You know exactly what I mean.”

“You should be grateful I’m giving you a chance.” He huffs loudly. “Lawsuits can be ugly. This is much neater.”

“Yeah, right. You just want to get your trashy piece published.”

“Let me help you,” he says with the persistence of a snake oil salesman. “Your dad will never know what hit him or where it came from.”

“Tom, you’re wasting oxygen. Don’t contact me again.” I hang up.

Now I’m too pissed off to hit the mall. So instead, I go back to Court’s place, suddenly needing to see him. He can make me happy—centered.

He’s home, tapping away on his laptop on a couch and frowning intensely. Another email from his dad? His relationship with his parents seems so…negative.

He looks up from the screen. “Hey. How’d your lunch go?”

“Fine.” I sit next to him and kiss him. Suddenly I don’t want to talk about the unpleasant call from my ex and ruin our time together. Tom’s like last year’s yeast infection—annoying to think about and irrelevant to my present. “What are you doing?”

“Looking for something for Ivy’s babies.” He lowers his voice. “Yuna already bought, like, two hundred onesies.”

“Two hundred?” He has to be exaggerating.

“She’s had thirty-six shopping bags delivered to Tony’s place so far.”

“Wow. Isn’t a little bit early for a baby shower or whatever?”

“Not according to her.”

“Can she afford all that?”

He laughs. “Oh yeah. She’s the daughter of the Hae Min Group chairman.”

“Really?” I had no clue. The Hae Min Group is one of the largest conglomerates in Korea, its owner family filthy rich and powerful. And she seemed so…normal.

“Her family indulges her,” he says.

Is it me or does he sound a little wistful? Do his parents treat him badly? I bite my lower lip. I’ve been so wrapped up with the confrontation with Dad and my own situation that I haven’t given enough attention to what’s going on with Court and his life.

Tags: Nadia Lee Romance