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Not that Declan is a predator. It’s just that…I behaved in a way that’s not normal. I don’t run. I face life. And Google things to throw at life when it’s not going the way I want.

My phone pings. A new text. My stomach does a weird backflip—and doesn’t land quite right. But it isn’t Declan.

Okay. My belly’s back to normal.

–Ivy: Wanna join me in the piano room when you get home? I’m bored and feeling blah, especially with Tony being out.

–Me: Of course!

I rush toward the room. With Tony away, it’s the perfect time to talk to Ivy about the kiss. If Declan says the NDA covers the kiss, I’m going to tell him to kiss my ass and talk to a lawyer. It’s gotta be illegal to not let a woman talk about a hot kiss with her friends. No female juror would ever find me guilty.

Ivy’s lying on a couch by her Bösendorfer Imperial concert grand piano, her phone on her chest, since her belly’s so big and rounded now. Her legs are dangling over the arm of the couch. Her feet are bare, her ankles swollen so badly I actually wince.

“Hey, girlfriend. Where’s Tony?” I ask. He should be here to rub her feet, even though that would mess up the girl talk.

“He’s at Z looking over some things. I told him he should go take care of his club before I pop the twins out, because I’m really going to need him then.”

“Good thinking.”

“Thank you. He disagreed,” Ivy says with a small pout.

I frown ferociously. “Doesn’t he know that all husbands must agree with their pregnant wives?”

“He missed the memo. But he probably doesn’t care that much. He knows he’s safe.” Ivy shifts and adjusts herself, so she can look at me better in comfort. “So. What’s up with your mouth?”

“What?” Feeling like a kid who got caught with donut jelly smeared all over her face, I put a hand over it, like that’s going to make Ivy forget what she saw.

Her eyes sparkle with a speculative gleam. “It looks slightly swollen. And you have a little mark on your bottom lip.”

Crap. Di

d Declan do that? My face is so hot. Like somebody doused it with lighter fluid and lit a match. But the rest of my body’s growing hot for reasons other than embarrassment. It’s the memory of the kiss. The way Declan’s gray eyes darkened, the way his mouth felt on mine. He has the kind of mouth that can make you forget everything.

“Are you dating someone behind my back?” Ivy asks, peering at me. “Trying to get a husband, so your family can’t ask you to marry one of the men they picked out?”

“Dating behind your back? Ha. How could I? You know I’ll spill everything the second I meet my destiny.”

She laughs. “That’s true. But I notice you aren’t denying the dating thing.”

“I’m not dating. I am really busy with work and stuff. It’s just…” I lean closer and lower my voice, even though we’re alone in the room. Ivy and I haven’t had this kind of talk in… Well, since our Curtis years. “I kissed Declan.”

Ivy inhales, her eyes widening. “Tell me everything! How did it happen? Was it good? Are you going to do it again?”

I laugh a little. “Slow down if you want answers.”

“I am all ears.” She makes a show of pressing her lips together and gives me a comically attentive look.

“Okay, so… We were just doing work stuff, you know, and he showed me some pictures of dogs.”

“That’s…really…” She frowns. “I mean, dogs? I thought you’d give him more of a challenge.”

I roll my eyes. “Please. You should know me better than that! I’m giving you a pass because you’re pregnant and probably just tired. Anyway, it’s not what you’re thinking. He sponsors a retirement center for seeing eye dogs that are too old to be in service anymore. So the center sends him updates and pictures. One happened to arrive today, and he showed it to me.”

“Aww…” Ivy sighs. “That’s super sweet. Sponsoring the dogs, I mean.”

“I know, right? It’s obvious he adores them. You can see it in his eyes.” And his demeanor. My heart feels like it’s full of gooey goodness.

There are men who brag about every good thing they do. Some guys even act like they should be praised for stuff like not hitting women. But not Declan. And it isn’t as if he hasn’t had a chance to let me know. He could’ve brought it up anytime.

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance