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I cradle her gorgeous face in my palms and plunder her mouth. Her lips are so much softer than I imagined. They part in welcome, letting me in. Her taste is sweet and heady, and my head spins. She isn’t shy as she strokes me with her tongue. Mine glides along hers, and I groan. Heat strikes through me like lightning, leaving my blood boiling.

It’s far, far better than any of my dreams. I don’t ever want to stop.

A soft sigh catches in her throat. Her fingers run through my hair, sending electric tingles all over my scalp. She clenches her hand, just tight enough to let me know she’s got me.

Lust expands until my skin feels too tight and hot. I drag her over until she’s straddling my thighs. She feels surprisingly soft and small in my arms. I put a hand on her back and pull her closer. Her breasts crush against my chest, the warm flesh between her legs cradling my rigid cock, making my entire body tense with lust. She shifts her thighs and lets out a soft moan.

I can’t remember why I ever thought it was a bad idea to get entangled with an assistant.

Something thuds. The sound isn’t loud, but it’s enough to jar Yuna out of the kiss. I glance down at the source of the interruption. One of her wedge shoes lies capsized on the floor.

The intimate moment cracks as our lips pull apart, and I don’t want it to shatter completely. Trying to re-create the magic, I tilt her chin to capture her mouth again, but she pulls back. Her gaze drops to our crotches, where we’re still pressed tightly. Red suffuses her cheeks.

“Um… I should get going now.” She scrambles off my lap and slips her foot into the shoe.

“You should…what?” Women don’t flee after I kiss them. What the hell is going on?

But Yuna’s moving like she’s rushing through a rapid piano piece. She grabs her bag. “I just remembered I have an appointment.”

“What?” I ask again, struggling to process. My brain isn’t getting much blood at the moment. I still don’t understand why she’s leaving instead of returning to the kiss. Or we could escalate to something more intense if she wants. I’m flexible.

“Something I can’t miss. See you tomorrow!”

Then, faster than a lightning bolt, she rushes out of the house. By the time I think to go after her, she’s halfway down the driveway. I cringe at the way she runs because her heels are high…and isn’t she going to twist an ankle at that speed? But somehow she seems steady, like she’s in a pair of Nikes or something.

“Let me give you a ride!” I yell, running after her. That’ll at least give us a chance to talk about things, although I’m not exactly sure what or how I’m going to talk about it with her. I have zero experience with this kind of situation. This woman is running away.

“No!” she says without looking back. “I already called Lyft! Don’t worry—I’ll expense it.” Now she’s going even faster. She’s definitely going to sprain something at this rate.

“Slow down! I’m not chasing you!”

I shove my fingers into my hair as I watch her ease off her sprint.

Not chasing you, my ass.

I might not be going after her right this minute, but there’s no way I’m giving up. I’m an idiot who just took a bite out of the damned forbidden apple.

Chapter Twenty-Eight


I don’t know how I’m walking so steadily toward Ivy and Tony’s mansion. Although I haven’t touched a drop of alcohol, I feel buzzed. My face and neck are too warm. Every so often, tingling sensations start from my crotch and streak outward, leaving my fingers and toes prickling.

Actually, I take that back. It is not just every so often. It’s every time I think about what happened between me and Declan at his house.

That kiss…

I put a hand over my still-throbbing mouth. What was I thinking when I kissed him? Such a stupid impulse! Argh. His lips looked so enticing, and I only wanted a taste.

Until it became more.

It’s some mad skill that a man can kiss you like you’re a fragile glass figurine, but also make it feel like super-dirty sex. The contrast was crazy hot, and I got lost in the moment.

I look down. Thank God my shoe fell off and interrupted things before we went too far.

Although… I wouldn’t have minded a longer kiss.

Oh, stop it! I tell myself as I walk into the brightly lit foyer. I ran like an idiot, and now what? I still don’t know why that was my first reaction when a sliver of logic entered my mind. But it was such an instinctive and natural response, like a rabbit dashing away from a fox.

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance