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“I’m fine.” I pull out a huge suitcase and start throwing in my dresses and purses. “I just need to get out of here. Don’t need a round-trip ticket,” I add, since most ticketing agents will want to have a return date.

“Oh no…” Ivy sighs. “This doesn’t sound good.”

“It isn’t the best situation.” The understatement of the month. But I don’t want to go into detail. It’s too much for an international phone call, plus it’s late in L.A.

“When are you coming?”

“As soon as possible.” Before it occurs to Eugene to make that phone call to the Ministry of Justice. “Like, now. Immediately.”

The suitcase is full. I pull out another and start stuffing it with shoes and accessories. Must have shoes and accessories to go with the clothes and purses I already packed.

“Are you in trouble?”

“No, nothing like that,” I say, not wanting her to worry. Stress is bad for pregnant women. My honorary nephew and niece deserve only the best. “It’s just my brother being a jerk. A long story. I’ll tell you everything when I get there.”

“Okay. What do I need to get you a ticket? I have your name, but don’t I need your passport number and stuff, too?”

“Probably. Let me text you a picture of my passport. Give me a sec.” I rummage through dresser drawers until I find my passport. I take a photo of the page with all my details. “Sending it now.”

There’s a pause. “Okay, got it. I’ll send you the ticket info soon. How about something that leaves in the next three hours? I see one here.”

I think for a second. It shouldn’t take that long to pack, and it’s about fifty minutes to the airport. Since I have no clue how to catch an airport bus, I’ll just have a taxi come pick me up.

“That’s fine. Thanks, Ivy!”

“My pleasure. Can’t wait to see you,” she says, still sounding a little worried.

This is all Eugene’s fault.

I finish shoving everything I need into two suitcases, but I still want the rest of my stuff. I stop to think for a moment. Who is someone Eugene can’t screw with?

I call Mr. Park, my dad’s chief executive assistant.

“Ms. Hae,” he answers immediately, his tone professional. “The chairman’s in a meeting.”

“Hello, Mr. Park. I’m not calling to talk to my dad. I need to ask you for a small favor.”


“I’m going to Los Angeles and can only take two suitcases. Can you pack up the rest of my things and overnight them to Ivy Blackwood’s home address? It should be on file.” My family maintains the addresses of everyone we associate with.

“Certainly. Anything else?”

“No, that’s it. Thank you. You’re a gem.” I smile although he can’t see it. I don’t ask him to keep it from Dad because it wouldn’t be right to test his loyalty that way. But he isn’t the type to gossip, and he won’t tell Dad what I wanted unless asked.

“My pleasure. Have a lovely trip.”

“Oh, I will.”

I hang up, feeling smugly triumphant. So Eugene hasn’t been able to turn absolutely everybody against me. But then, he knows better than anyone how much Dad indulges me. We grew up together, after all.

I make a mental note to ask Dad to give Mr. Park a fat bonus. Or the fully comped use of one of our resorts. That should make him and his wife happy.

My phone pings.

–Ivy: Got the ticket. Emailed it to you just n

ow. You need to leave soon to catch the flight, though.

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance