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Cake so I can see Declan! But I must restrain myself. Can’t ruin my friends’ work.

Doing everything in my power to suppress my excitement and anticipation, I feign a moment of consideration. “Let’s do both at the same time!”

“Why not? Have your cake and presents, too,” Nate says with a laugh.

“Okay, so it’s a bit childish, but what can I say? I love everything about this party.”

“Of course you do. We planned it,” Court says.

“Let’s open the presents first,” Ivy says. “And wait on the cake until Declan shows.”

So he needs more prep time. That’s fine. I can be patient.

The presents are piled high. I recognize which ones are from Mom because they’re professionally wrapped with golden ribbons, which are her signature. But they aren’t her real gifts. She’s going to give me her real one in an envelope later. Most likely land or some stock. Maybe even cash. Some cash would be great, because if it’s real estate or stock, it’ll be structured in some complex setup that’ll be very complicated to liquidate in case I ever get into another “we froze your accounts” situation.

I open the gifts from my friends first.

A custom platinum and diamond pendant from Ivy that reads Sisterhood in Korean. I immediately put that around my neck and smile. “It’s perfect.”

“It totally is, because I have the other one.” Ivy pulls hers out from under her neckline.

“Woohoo!” I grin, my heart full of all the warm, squishy feelings.

A small guardian angel statue from Tony.

“You’re always looking out for your friends,” he says.

“Hear, hear!” the rest of the gang agree in unison.

“Aww, thanks. But you guys look out for me too!” I hug him.

Nate and Evie give me a music box shaped like a grand piano, made with pale mother-of-pearl. As the piano turns, it shimmers like the moon. Debussy’s “Claire de lune” flows out, as light as air.

“This is so beautiful! I love it!” I say.

I open more, and they’re all super sweet and thoughtful. Edgar’s makes me burst out laughing because it’s a snow globe with a female warrior inside. She has flowing auburn hair and is throwing a ball of flame.

“I couldn’t do the napalm. Apparently, you don’t throw it with your hands,” he deadpans. “So I settled for a giant flame ball.”

I’m laughing so hard that my shoulders are shaking and I have tears in my eyes. “You rock! This is literally the bomb!”

Court and Pascal’s gift is a gorgeously framed…something. It looks like writing, but I don’t recognize the language. “This looks great, guys,” I say. “But, um…what is it?”

“A poem in Klingon!” Court says. “A translation is on the back. It’s about friendship and love.”

“We wrote it together,” Pascal says.

I turn the thing over, and sure enough, there’s a nice poem in English on the back. But Court and Pascal are huge Star Trek fans, and frankly, the Klingon version looks cooler. “This is awesome! I’ll definitely bring you guys along when I travel around the galaxy.”

It takes over half an hour to open all the gifts, comment and thank each person. I could do it faster, but I pace myself, making sure Declan has plenty of time to get ready for the cake surprise.

When we’re busy tossing ripped wrapping paper into the trash can, I quickly check my phone. Sure enough, there are some messages.

–Dad: Happy birthday, my daughter! We need to have a party when you’re back in Korea. By the way, I’m giving you a small bit of real estate. I must warn you, the lot is fairly modest, so it might be disappointing.

I shake my head at Dad’s coy disclaimer about the land. It’s likely to be something amazing.

–Me: Thanks, Dad. I love you!

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance