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My personal phone buzzes on the kitchen counter. Annoyed with the interruption, I pick it up to hit the red button, but stop. It’s a text from Benedict.

–Benedict: I’m still busy with my screenplay and I’m not going to have the Internet or phone service after this.

I quit reading and roll my eyes. If he writes his screenplay the way he writes texts, with lots of preamble and preface, it’s going into somebody’s Dumpster.

–Benedict: Anyway, Kim asked for your number because she’s planning a surprise birthday party for Yuna with some friends and wanted to know if you want to come. She also hinted at helping out, but I told her you were too busy for that.

My jaw slackens at his audacity. He should’ve checked with me first!

–Me: What the hell, man! I’m not too busy!

–Benedict: Oh, come on! You’re always busy. Far too busy to help plan an assistant’s party. I wasn’t even going to contact you, actually, but Kim insisted.

Thank God! I’m sending Kim a present.

–Me: Yeah, because she’s smart.

I don’t add “unlike you,” but I think it really hard, hoping Benedict has developed some telepathic ability.

–Benedict: Anyway, I suppose this means you want me to give her your number?

–Me: Yes. I’m okay with Yuna’s friends having it, too.

None of them looked like the fame-crazed type. Besides, if they haven’t stalked Ryder Reed, they aren’t going to start with me.

–Benedict: Seeing as how I exist only to serve you, even when I’m supposed to be on vacation, I shall relay the message.

A few minutes later, my phone starts receiving texts from unknown numbers. I angle myself so Yuna can’t see that I’m texting.

–Unknown: This is Kim. Is this Declan?

–Me: Yes.

–Unknown: It’s Ivy. Hey!

–Unknown: Nate here.

The rest introduce themselves.

–Tony: The party has to be absolutely perfect.

–Me: Obviously. She deserves nothing less.

–Nate: And the best presents.

Oh shit. What do I get for Yuna? Something totally memorable and awesome. But what?

–Me: What’s a good present for Yuna?

Her friends have known her for a long time. Maybe they know something that can inspire me to pick the most perfect gift ever.

–Nate: If you’re asking what you should get her, I vote for a pink Cullinan.

–Me: A pink what?

–Nate: It’s a Rolls-Royce SUV. Very distinctive. My sister-in-law’s brother got one for his wife, and she hasn’t divorced him yet. Hehehe.

–Evie: I’m sure it’s because she loves him, not because of the car.

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance