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“Ma’am, there’s nothing you can give me that’s going to make me leave your daughter.”

She gives me a level look and takes her time answering. “You realize, of course, that you’re utterly wrong for her,” she says finally.

“Why? Because I’m white? Not Korean, so not culturally compatible?”

“That isn’t even in the top five reasons.” She sighs. “Very well. I hate to dig into old wounds, but you’re the product of an affair your father had while he was married.”

I inhale sharply. If she hates to dig into wounds, she should’ve never brought that up. Mainly because I hate what the affair did to my own mother. On the other hand, out of all the objections Lady Min could’ve had, this one feels rather random. It has nothing to do with my own actions. I don’t flaunt it, but I don’t hide it, either, because I have nothing to feel ashamed of. “So?”

“So that makes you illegitimate.”

“And? It isn’t like Phillip had any money to leave me.” He didn’t die broke, but he wasn’t swimming in money, either. Not like Yuna’s family.

“It’s not about an inheritance.” Lady Min gestures at her assistant.

She steps forward. “In Korea, illegitimacy is bad form and not easily accepted. As one example, Korean men are obligated to serve in the military. The only way to get an exemption is for a compelling medical reason. Illegitimacy was considered one of those reasons until 1992.”

“Wasn’t it good that you weren’t forced to serve?” I ask, not sure what this is about.

“No. It means that, until recently, they were so despised socially that not even the military wanted to use them as human shields. Furthermore, adultery was a criminal offense in Korea until 2016. Ms. Hae has no reason to stoop low enough to date somebody illegitimate, much less born out of adultery.”

I turn to Lady Min, stunned at this medieval attitude. It takes me a moment before I can speak. “Look. Ma’am. It wasn’t my fault or my decision that I was born the way I was. Maybe you should look at what I’ve accomplished with my own choices and actions.”

Yuna’s mom’s expression stays cool, although something shifts briefly in her eyes. “And your sister threw away a dog. What your family does says so much about you.”

“First, she’s a half-sister. And second, unlike her, I love dogs. I donate regularly to a seeing eye dog retirement center in Japan because I love dogs, and dogs that served their owners with love and loyalty should be rewarded.”

She purses her lips, looking annoyed that I’m pushing back. But if she thinks I’ll roll over like some of Yuna’s exes, she’s got me totally wrong.

“You thrive on publicity and scandals,” she says finally.

“Publicity, sure. Scandals, no. You’ve obviously looked into me quite thoroughly. Can you point to a single scandal I’ve been involved in?” I do my best to keep my reputation clean. I also don’t do drugs or anything that could impact my performance, because nobody likes to work with models and actors who aren’t reliable and ready to go. And a clean rep means you have an easier time getting endorsement deals.”

Yuna’s mom lets out an irritated sigh. “I don’t know why you’re arguing. Just take the money and the penthouse. It’s a profitable way to end a short, meaningless fling. It isn’t like you’re going to marry her.”

I inhale sharply at the aggressive way Yuna’s mom brings up marriage, basically saying that if I’m not going to marry Yuna, I should fuck off.

It isn’t the first time somebody’s brought up marriage. My exes hinted at it. Some of my acquaintances asked if I was going to tie the knot with some of my exes. But I always knew the answer was no, because my first reaction was mild revulsion or a lack of interest in a long-term future with any of them.

But when that future includes Yuna…

Waking up to her smile. Whispering good morning before breakfast. Growing old with her. Kissing every fine line on her face as we build our lives together…

A hot fist clenches around my heart. A sharp, intense longing wells deep inside me. The vision in my head feels so damn fucking right. I know if I don’t hold on to her, I’m never going to find another woman like her, one who fills my heart with joy and laughter.

“Actually, I can see myself marrying her. She’s the only woman I can see a future with,” I say steadily to ensure no misunderstanding. No presumption that I’m saying it just to say it.

“Many want to marry her for what she has and represents, and they usually bring something of at least equal value,” Yuna’s mom points out. But there’s no heat or argument in her tone.

“Not me. I want her, not her money or whatever.”

“If you care about her enough to consider marrying her, what have you done to pamper her? What do you know about her likes and dislikes?”

“I know she likes pretty, shiny things. She loves her friends and family. And she loves food.”

“Oh? She’s been in the States for over three weeks, and she’s been working for you all this time. Have you taken her anywhere decent? Fed her her favorite Korean food, perhaps?”

Actually…I haven’t taken her to any Korean restaurants. Also…is there more to Korean cuisine than barbecue? That’s all I’m aware of. There must be more, but I don’t even know what kind of Korean food she likes.

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance