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But then again, so what? That’s them, and I’m me. Just because I’m a chaebol heiress doesn’t mean I have to live my life a certain way to suit the chaebol norm. Screw that. I’ve only got one time around the track, and I’m not going to waste it trying to make someone else happy.

“Thank you,” I say. “I’m glad you’re on my side.”

“My pleasure. And are you going to quit early for real?” he asks.

“I don’t want to. But I have to warn you, if I continue to work for you, Mr. Choi and Ms. Kim are going to tag along. Plus, Mom apparently asked for more bodyguards. They’ll be here in the next day or two.”

“Why do you need so many? Are you in some kind of trouble?” His voice grows taut. “A stalker or something?” He should know all about stalkers and freaks. Just look at his dumb ex and that sister of his. The half one. Given how ugly and foul she is, I don’t think she should count as even half a sibling, really.

“No. She’s just being overprotective.”

“Because of me?” Declan asks. “She wants to make sure you and I maintain a respectable distance?”

“No, it isn’t about you. She’s always like this when I’m in the States.” Not that it always works. I’ve ditched them before, and I can probably ditch them again.

He sighs. “I feel like I’m back in high school with the girl’s parents hovering around and making sure I don’t do anything.”

I laugh at the image, then pull my hand away and pat his arm. “Don’t worry. I’ll find a way to get rid of Mr. Choi and Ms. Kim so we can have some private time.”


“Oh, they can pick things up for me. Go get groceries. Whatever. Trust me.”

I press a peck on his lips to reassure him, because we’re already at Ivy’s place. Not because I don’t want to give him a real kiss, but because of Mr. Choi, who’s probably giving Declan a glare like Declan just stole my virginity. As far as Mr. Choi’s concerned, if I’m with a man my family hasn’t approved of, it’s his job to show disapproval.

I climb out of the Lamborghini and wave at my bodyguard.

He lowers the window and sticks his head out, angling it toward Declan.

“Be nice. There’s no need to give Declan a death stare,” I say in Korean before Mr. Choi can start, then blow a kiss at Declan. “I’ll see you tomorrow or Monday at the latest.”

Declan looks like he wants to argue, but he nods with a small sigh. “Okay.”

Mr. Choi watches until Declan’s gone. He’s taking his job way too seriously. Then again, I’m sure he doesn’t want to go back to internal audit.

Regardless, I need to brainstorm some ideas to get him and Ms. Kim off my back. And talk to Mom about what’s really going on with the family tomorrow when we’re in private.

Chapter Forty-One


I wake up feeling well rested. I guess I was tired from the lack of sleep two nights ago and all the mother-induced tension, because I passed out the second I hit the bed.

Since Mom and I are having facials, I put on my lightest makeup. But I take extra care with my outfit because it’s going to bug her if I don’t look my best. And it’ll bother me if she’s unhappy.

Ms. Lim texts me to expect ninety minutes of treatment. She doesn’t bother to ask if that’s okay with me. Obviously, Mom’s already decided I need emergency help.

Mr. Choi picks me up. “Mr. and Mrs. Blackwood don’t own a Lamborghini, do they?” he asks oh-so casually as I get in the car.

“I don’t think so. Why?”

“Just curious.”

Just curious, my butt. “Don’t you already have a list of all the cars they own?”

“Of course. But they could’ve bought a new one. I don’t want to misreport anything should I spot a Lamborghini. The man last night had one.”

I sigh. “You don’t have to worry about Declan. He and I aren’t breaking any laws.”

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance